Chapter 2

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Your POV
I was in the arms of a serial killer... a ducking serial killer that won't kill me! Great! You thought as you were being carried, bridal style, by Jeff. You had always wanted to meet the creepypastas as your a fan. A crazy fan with a heart of darkness. You have something wrong with you though. You would be enraged with someone (not ones you loves as your mom, dad, siblings etc.) and black out and as soon as you would awake you would see their dead body. The first few times were odd but you got used to the power and you used it to your advantage. You were deep in thought until you were dropped.

Jeff had dropped. And it hurt, obviously, and you were right outside a mansion. The Mansion. The Slender Mansion. "Welcome my child."

I was in awe. Suddenly a midget walks out looking like Link. Recognized him straight away. "oh BEN Drowned!"

He looked at me shocked. He then saw Jeff looking at me. I had noticed it i just ignored it.


I walk up to Jeff and smirk. "Hey buddy you look a bit red... Do you see anything you like around there." I gestures to whoever this girl Jeff had a fascination in.

"W-WHAT NO!!!" He was bright red. You could tell. I smiled like a dork and  i -being the tease I am- shout "JEFF HAS A CRUSH ON A VICTIM!!!" And that's when I'm screwed and it's my time to leave. I get chased around the mansion by a knife holding lunatic whilst I shout "JEFF HAS A CRUSH! JEFF HAS A CRUSH! JEFF HAS A CRUSH!" I know now that I'm in deep shit.

Jeff's POV
That son of a bitch thinking he can say I can have a crush on a victim. Well I do but that's beside the point he's screaming it at the top of his fucking voice. He's always teased me and he always got to me but today he crossed the line. I will kill him! I did like that girl but I can't let slendy know. Anyway back to killing BEN. Where did he go... FUCK!!! I'll get him next time.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: May 22, 2018 ⏰

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