Part 6- Someone Clearly Can't Take A Joke

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Jo's P.O.V

Within five seconds I'm pinned down by Alexander. Woops. Guess I went to far...

"You need to watch your attitude, I may not hurt you yet, but your friends are still out there." he says to me.

"Please, don't hurt them." I say squeezing my eyes shut. Maybe I could make a stake out of something and just kill him.......

"Open your eyes!" he says. More like orders.

"Please." I say closing my eyes tighter, "Please as in 'Please don't bite me.'"

"Just shut up and go to your room." He says yanking me up off the floor.

"Ow." I say looking at him. I also smirk and say "Clearly someone can't take a joke."

"Get out!" Alexander screams. You know what? I'm just going to call him Alex. He looks more like an Alex than an Alexander.

I walk to my room. BLAH BLAH BLAH

There is a black ball gown on the bed with a note.

The note says,

Put it on for the ball in thirty minutes. No questions. Just shut up and wear the damn thing.

-Your Satan

At least he likes that nick name. The dress is just my style though.

Black. Great. Now what do I do with my ombre hair? Oh yeah. Don't care. I'll just wear it normal. I'm in a dress, that's all he gets. And I'm so wearing Converse under the damn dress.


And done with  this chapter. Sorry it sucked.

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