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Hey guys iam back with another partt soo ready


Before he holds swara arm sanskar holds his hand and looks at him angrily

Didn't u listen she don't need ur help shouts sanskar

Swara looks at sanskar nd holds his arm tightly scared

Salesman looks at sanskar scared

SM sir whispers salesman scared nd tries to run

U bastard u tried to lay ur hands on my wife I'll not leave u shouts sanakar angrily nd starts huttung him holding his collar

All starts to gather around when swara holds sanskar hands seeing the salesman in a bad condition

Sunny stopp it please he will die says swara holding his hand sanskar holds swara hand and drags her from there

Sanksar jerks swara while she stands looking down weeping

Swara why the hell in trying to me jealous you get into problems if you sooo want my attention then shout at me hit me fight with me saying iam not giving u time but why the hell u choose to get into troubles

Damn i had said u 1000 times to be a good girl when u come out today i was here so i saved u but wt will happen when i won't be there i know u r strong enough to fight but wt if something happen

Why don't think about me before doing this stuff

He pulls her closer and make her look at him

U know right how much i love you then why the hell u take these kind of steps why shona why.......... shouts sanskar while swara stares at him with tears

Sanskar leaves her nd turns back showing his back to her nd starts moving while swara sees him and runs towards him

Sunny shouts swara running back of him

Suddenly she looses her balance due to heels nd shouts .

Ahhh shouts swara as she gonna get hurt badly

Sanskar turns back listening her nd sees her twisting he runs to her nd holds her before she fall on ground a smile appears on her face when she feels hands on her waist pulling her up

Swara opens her eyes slowly to meet his deep brown orbs she smiles at him

Shona ur crazy wt if u got hurt asks sanskar holding her

No i won't i trust you that much says swara with her hands around his neck

Iam sorry says swara placing few wet kissess on his throat

Sanskar closes his eyes feeling her kisses and hugs her tight

She is his baby his life his love his everything nd he will never let her suffer or get shatter again nd that's my promise

Thinks sanskar in his mind tightens the hug

Sunny whispers swara hugging him

Hmm says sanskar looking at her

Let's go for movie says swara nuzzling in his neck

Okk first let's get the things which u selected says sanskar while she nods

They goes up and gets everything she selected after placing them in car they moves to a multiplex for watching a movie

Sunny it's soo rush says swara looking at the crowd while he holds her hand

U be here I'll get the tickets says sanskar while she nods noo

I'll come with u says swara looking at him

Shona u will feel suffocated please says sanskar when she nods noo like a stubborn kid

Sanskar sighs nd takes her with him he calls someone nd says to arrange tickets saying the multiplex name nd cuts the call

Swara looks at him while he holds her hand after few minutes a man comes there nd greets sanskar while sanskar nods

He passes tickets nd collects money nd goes from there

Swasan goes inside nd settles in seats which are corner seats

They both watch the movie swara was very happy as she is seeing movie after a long time sanskar admires swara

After three hours both comes out swara says that she is hungry soo both have lunch outside nd return back home as sanskar saw swara tired


Sanskar stops the car and looks at swara who is sleeping he smiles and nd gets down from car he lifts her in his arms and asks the guards to bring the bags

Sanskar enters in hall with swara in his arms he directly walks to his room ragini who came out of room sees this her eyes fall on ap dp nd shomi shekhar who r in dinning area she walks towards them

Swasan loved eachother from before marriage itself do u know that asks looking at all while they nods a noo

Really should i believe u asks ragini

Why will we lie ragu says shomi while ragini nods

Why did u force swara and tricked both swasan please say truth u have laksh's swear says ragini

Laksh loved swara at first sight but she ignored him he proposed her but did refused may be as was loving sanskar later he came to all four one day

He asked that he wanna marry swara nd if we don't agree he will kill himself laksh was our only son yes we love sanskar but still laksh is our first priority nd for him we will do anything says dp

That day he also said swara didn't agree then we know only sanskar can make her agree as she was pampered by him most nd both were best frds soo we somehow tricked sanskar and made swara believe that sanskar wanted swalak to get married says shekhar

Mamu shona is ur baby why the hell you guys never gave the love she deserved asks ragini angrily

Because her birth bought us losses sanskar lost his parents while we lost our mom nd dad on that day (when swara born they got losses in company they ignored and again on her birthday they lost shekhar parents nd shomi parents too in a flight crash then again some rivals killed sanskar parents that is dp's brother) says shomi with little hate

Mami seriously if u got losses then that's ur negligence if plain crashed that's their fate nd if some rivals killed sanskar bhai parents it's coincidence how can u all push swara away due to this things

But ragu says ap when shs shows her hand

Nahi aunty ur just giving justifications of ur deeds but u guys aren't sorry for this nd did u guys thought wt will happen if laksh cone back nd will claim swara may be he might run away as he thought it's a revenge fir he behaviour

U guys are just hopeless nd i warn u if u try something to destroy swara life again i will not do anything but sanskar will he loves her to no end this time he will not listen u people says ragini and goes from there

To Be Continued

Soo done how is it i kniw might be boring sorry if u find this boring now bubye

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