Chapter 1: A Treasure Beyond Gold and Jewels

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The oceans were now at the border line of forceful to full of rage as Nathan Drake surfaced from below the salt water. Nate made a quick look around himself before finding Sully had just made it to land at a beach to his right. He began to swim towards his direction, not noticing the trail of blood following him as he swam.

When Nate reached the beach Sully began to jog towards Nate to give him a hand. "Hey Nate, you okay ki-" He didn't finish his question when he found the two gunshots on Nate. "Jesus kid, you're hit." After a moment to look at the damages. "Well the bullets come clean through your lower back but it's a mess. Good news is they just grazed your arm. Come on. We need to get to the plane so we can close the wound before we get you patched up." Sully now had a look of worry and concern on his face as he grabbed the kid's shoulder and began to carry him towards the plane.

As he carried most of Nate's weight as they made their way for the plane just beyond the shore Sully asks. "Hey Nate? You still got it?" His question was immediately answered when Nate used his free arm to pull out the item of question from his left pocket.

"Yeah, I still got it." Nate answered for in his hands was probably the most, if not rarest, most beautiful gem either of them had laid their eyes on. It was a crystal the length of a half dollar and only the width of small .357 caliber bullet. But that wasn't what made it beautiful. It was the fact that said crystal was GLOWING. Yes, actually glowing a bright and beautiful gold! Nate then slowly put the crystal back into his pocket. "I know we already filled the plane with crates full of treasure but I figured one last trip would be worth it. In a way I guess it was." Nate talked as a grin grew on his face.

"Well kid I'll say that that is one pretty looking Rock. I'm guessing you're gonna keep it instead of sell it?" Sully asked. He didn't care one way or another what Nate did with it. Personally he would've kept it for himself. But then if anyone knew that he had it that would mean that people much like him and Nate would try and rob him of it. He snapped out of his thoughts when Nate started talking.

"Ha! You wish. This beauty is going home with me. Maybe I can give it to Elena for an apology present. Or you know one of the many other jewels that we've got now. I think I'll keep it for when I finally buy that mansion I've always wanted. Make a special room for it. Or I can do what that Fenn guy did and bury it with a ton of other gold and gems." Nat started to list down other options until Sully finally interrupted.

"Ok kid, I get it. I do like the idea of 'burying my legacy' for someone else to find though. That Forest Fenn dick always was an attention seeker back in the military."

"You knew each other?"

"Oh yeah. I never told you? After I retired from the Navy I met him in Pompeii looking for artifacts to add to his giant art collection back in Santa Fe. We talked for a while and after a little digging and finding some loot we turned out to be friends. Every once in a while I'll call him up see if he's up for something to do. As much as I think I'm old, that bastards got years ahead of me." He said chuckling with a toothy grin.

"Well I'm just glad to finally be out of there." Nate spoke but before Sully could continue with their little conversation a slow clapping filled the air.

Both immediately knowing who it was they both stopped several feet away from the water where they could swim to the plane in the ocean. They both slowly turned around with their hands in the air facing their aggressor. "Well now, what's this? No fighting back? No great distraction? Nothing to even say? I'm heart broken." The man before them talked with an all sarcastic accent.

The man before them wore a white and black checkered tux with shining black dress shoes that clearly didn't belong on a beach. His skin was of a light tan showing he was notably not from there. His eyes were a dark hazel that seemed to have a life giving silver to them that completed the white and black theme. "Do you have any idea how hard it was to just stay there and let you take all those crates away?" He asked as he did several more men appeared behind him from behind the tree line. Their weapons at the ready and stopping on both sides of him. "Ah, thank you gentlemen for showing up. Fashionably late I may add but when is it never okay to do that?"

Uncharted: The Treasure of the JediNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ