Chapter 1: His Name

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The world has been reduced to a barren wasteland. Cities destroyed, oceans dried, and blood splattered across the lands of each region. Mera's body was laid out on top of a rock. Yuki's body was nowhere in sight. Zhaylen was impaled within a wall, and Yoza was kept in the grasp of the pitch black figure's hand. He was choking her while looking down towards his beaten opponent, Hero. The noble savior could not move a muscle and was positioned down into both of his knees, using his arms to keep himself from falling.


Instead of complying, the black figure snapped the neck of Yoza whose last facial expression was filled with nothing but sorrow. Hero pounded his fist into the floor due to not being strong enough to stand against his formidable foe.


The figure wouldn't reveal his name and proceeded to let out his wide, sharp-toothed smile and glowing red eyes. He'd point his hand down at Hero before releasing a red particle beam of energy.

Hero: AAAH!

In reality, Hero would wake up from his terrible nightmare as Yoza was standing in the corner, covering her body with a towel, away from him. He was sat up in bed gasping for air while Yoza was in fright of getting close.

Yoza: That must've been some dream. What happened in it?

Hero: This guy...I don't know his name but he was just...

Seeing the constant look of fear on his face, Yoza stepped closer inch by inch to comfort him.

Hero: He was just so strong. Stronger than I could imagine. Probably even more powerful than someone like Rogue.

Yoza: Did I...

She wouldn't ask if she perished in his dream, but Hero's look of depression was enough to tell her that her life came to an end in his nightmare.

Yoza: Well, it was only a dream. There's nothing to fear.

Hero: Right.

Even knowing it was a dream, Hero couldn't sleep and would get up, walking outside to the porch of his home, staring at the moon.

[The Next Day]

Zhaylen and his wife, Aurora, had stopped by to visit Hero.

Zhaylen: Hey! Hero! You home?!

While getting closer to the house, Zhaylen and Aurora would notice Hero was passed out on top of the roof.

Aurora: Is he alright?

Zhaylen: Must have been a long night. Hey! Hero! Wake up!

The loud shouting would wake him from his slumber as he was confusingly looking around and noticed himself on the roof of his house.

Hero: What the...?

Zhaylen: Yeah, we're confused too.

Hero: Oh, Zhaylen! Nice to see ya!

Zhaylen: Planning on coming down?

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