Chapter 15

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I got up and went back to my room. I pulled out my laptop and got on Netflix. I started to watch some movies that have been recently added to Netflix. I was really lonely and thought I would invite Hayes up since he was upset. I went downstairs and he was on the couch on his phone.

"Hey do you want to come up to my room and watch some movies with me?"

"Sure why not" he said getting up

He followed me upstairs and we laid on my bed and started to watch some movies. About 10 minutes in to the movie I looked over and he was asleep on my shoulder. I continued to watch the movie till I started to hear slight snoring. I put the laptop down and closed it. I ended up falling asleep playing on my phone.


I woke up and his head was on my stomach. I gently pulled out from underneath him. I got up and got ready. I had my hair up in a ponytail with short overalls and a pink t shirt underneath. I put my make up on and ran downstairs I put on my white high top converse and ran out the door. I went out side and saw a letter at the doorstep. I opened it and found that it was from Cameron.


Hey lex, I don't know how to say this but my mom told me late last night we are leaving. I didn't know what she meant by that at first but it turns out we are moving. I didn't know how to tell you without crying so I decided to write you this letter. I just want you to know that I love you so much! You mean everything to me and I don't know how I am going to be able to leave you. Maybe we can figure something out but for now I will be packing until we figure it out.

Love Cam

Tears were streaming down my face. I put the letter back in the envelope and ran to Cameron's house. I knocked on the door and his mom answered.

"Cameron's upstairs" she said before I could say anything.

I walked in and made my way upstairs as fast as I could. Everything looked so empty. When I made it to his door I stopped. I slowly opened his door and he turned around. I ran straight into his arms.

"You can't leave!" I said crying.

"I wish I didn't have to" He whispered

"Maybe you don't."

"What do you mean?"

"Cameron you could come live at my place. Even if that didn't work out you could find an apartment for cheap."

"I will have to talk to my mom."

"Me to. C'mon let's go talk to your mom."

Maybe it wouldn't be a good idea if he came to my house.. I mean Hayes and Nash are there.. Would an apartment be better? I mean he is almost 20 it would be nice to have a place to himself. Maybe Nash could share it with him like as a room mate.

I went outside to wait for him I didn't want to be there while they talk and put pressure on his mom. I want her to say yes I just don't want her to feel like it's being forced. I waited for about 10 minutes and Cameron walked outside.

"She said it was ok."

"Well do you want an apartment or come to my house?" I said quietly

"An apartment might be better for everyone.. I mean with Hayes, Nash, and skylynn at your house might already stress out your mom."

"Ya and maybe Nash could be your roommate."

"Ya! Let's go to your house to see if that's ok with Nash and your mom."

We started walking to my house really quiet. I looked over at him and he looked kind of sad.. Maybe this isn't a good idea he didn't seem that happy when his mom said yes.

"Cam you ok?"

"Ya I'm just gonna miss my mom but I am happy I get to stay close to you."

"If you want to go with your mom you can.."

"No it's ok everything is here and all my friends I would rather stay here."

We finally made it to my house and I went in while he stayed on the porch. I ran to the kitchen where my mom was to ask.


Sorry I have been busy. I will update again later this week.

Let me know what you guys think!




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