Chapter 11 Missing People

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"Well look who's back from the dead. You have anything to eat? Because Tzuyu won't cook for me. Tall Yoda has been on her phone for weeks now. Apparently she met someone at Jeong's party." Dahyun rolled her eyes at the greeting Chaeyoung gave her. She wasn't expecting anything grand but an 'I miss you' would've been preferable. Tzuyu passed by Dahyun with a wave at her unnie's face but not even lifting her face from her cellphone.

"Even if I wasn't on the phone, I still wouldn't cook for you." said the tall maknae as she goes into her room closes the door behind her. 

"She still keeps that minimum words in a sentence thing huh?" says Dahyun as she throws herself onto their sofa that she missed so so much.

"Oh you should've heard her go at me when I brought Mina here. She went on and on about how she was studying and my flirting being the most annoying thing to hear in the world." Apparently, Chaeyoung was "failing" her Algebra and Mina has been assigned or from her view, sentenced by the student council to tutor the cub as part of a freshman assistance program. Dahyun and Chaeyoung were laughing when Tzuyu went out to get a glass of water, eyes still glued to her phone.

"Any chance you'll introduce your textmate to us Yoda?" Dahyun aks as she stands on her tippy toes to glance at the mystery contact of their maknae. Being the tall person she is, Tzuyu succeeds in keeping her mystery friend a secret. Chaeyoung tries her hand at next by trying to "stealthily" take the Taiwanese's phone away. Tzuyu coolly dodges the attack and makes it to her room. She thinks it was the last of her unnies' attempt but the constant yelling and knocking on her door says otherwise. Tzuyu groans and scratches her head in an annoyed manner. All she wanted was some peace and quiet. Having only Chaeyoung around the past weeks was tolerable to say the least but now with Dahyun's return, the duo's ability to annoy her was multiplied by 100. She was in the midst of acquiring a headache when the notification light to her phone lights up. She smiles, already knowing who it was who texted her. She was about to reply when another series of knocking blares on her ears. Argh okay this needs to stop now.

The door swings open and a visibly annoyed Chou Tzuyu greets them. "Chaeyoung unnie has been taking Mina unnie into your room Dahyun unnie." She gives Chaeyoung an apologizing look and closes the door. She didn't want to sell out Chaeyoung but she knows that it'll probably give her enough time to finish a decent phone call with her secret someone before the duo remembers about it later. It was a cheap shot but she knows it'll definitely keep the two busy for a while.

"And who the hell told you to take a girl into my room?!" Dahyun now had Chaeyoung by the collar and the cub whimpered in front of the angry tofu. Dahyun values privacy a lot, which is why she has her hideout and knowing that Chaeyoung was well aware of that angers the pale girl even more. "Did you do anything nasty in my room? Be honest cub or you're gonna be greeting Mina with a broken arm tomorrow."

"What? No! We just hang there since your room is biggest one here. But..." Chaeyoung looks at the ground and starts to fiddle with her fingers.

"But what beast?" Dahyun thought back to the contents of her room She then remembered that she had forgotten to hide her oreos and chocopies before disappearing. "Please tell me you didn't touch my food Chaeng. I don't wanna be a murderer tonight."

"Did I ever tell you that you're the most generous and loving and kind most merciful best friend in the whole wide world Dubu?" Chaeyoung breaks into aegyo as her last resort to calm her angry roommate. Dahyun locks the cub in a playful headlock and the two childishly play around. It was around midnight when Dahyun does indeed remember Tzuyu's mystery textmate. The two couldn't believe that their maknae was the first one of them to be dating. Dahyun had just started getting to know and be comforatable with Sana after all that has happened between them, while Mina just found Chaeyoung to be an annoying flirt. The latter has yet to realize that all Mina wants is for her to just approach her normally with a hi, not with a blush-inducing compliment everytime they would see each other. 

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