Long time

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Its been 2 years since Jason has left and went to the military, He wrote me 365 letters I never wrote back I loved him more than he would ever know but every letter I received from him the more guilty I felt.


Sitting in the the docters office waiting for my results. I haven't been feeling right lately and wasn't sure what was wrong with me the doctors ran some test and should be shortly telling me what's wrong . The docter soon walked in with a big smile upon his face.

"Well Rose it looks like your 3 weeks pregnant." I was so shocked I was on birth control and Jason used protection

"How could this be " I was on the verge of tears

"Rose it happens alot condoms are not a 100% guarantee, Your still early you do have other options abortion, adoption-"

"Im sorry I have to go " I collected my things and ran to my car

I got in and repeatedly hit the steering wheel "god how could I be so stupid"

End of flashback

3 days later I got a abortion And just 2 days after that Jason left for the military. I could never bring myself to tell him he was going to the military I didnt wanna ruin his plans with a baby. He stopped writing me letters after a year of me not replying but out the blue in the mail a couple days ago was a letter telling me he was coming home Thursday and he wanted me there at the airport when he lands.



Walking into the airport I was so nervous what would I do when I saw him what if he no longer loves me what if he has found someone out there. I was stressed

"Rose is that you"

My heart started pounding I knew that voice I slowly turned around.

"Ive missed you"


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