Athanasia- Poem Seven

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  • Dedicated to My Sister

What a frail and fickle mistress she is, Life,

leading men into pastures bright.

Suddenly! the nymph wanders off. Oh strife!

Her brother, cold hand outstreched for my neck tight.

Death, his dead eyes, and sickly palor,

coming swiftly, the avenging brother,

to steal the light from my eyes, and deprive me of my valor.

Fearing, loathing, to my knees I fall,left only to shudder.

But as the Gods of Olypmus were,

so might I become, to elude Death's grip.

With false innocence, the actress beckons with a purr,

come to me stricken man, take from my cup a sip.

Far greater than any Greek hero am I.

Death, from Immortality's elixer, I shall never die!


This is a Shakespearean Sonnet that I wrote for an assignment, I am super proud, but slightly offended, that my teacher thought I plagerized. This one is dedicated to my sister, because she was awesome and helped me with the rhyming.. I do much better free verses:P Oh and the title means immortality by the way:)

Peace and gumdrops,


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