summertime sadness.

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we suck kiwi sap and dip the tips of our hair in fiji spring water, just me, the sun and my baby. we catch stars beneath our tongues and carve our names into mellow palm trees. mama sun cradles us in her arms and lays our heads on the clouds. the stars sting our fingertips but me and my baby are ethereal, there is no such thing as night or day, we are everything in between. squinting and squashing the nectarine sun between our fingertips and the tangerine elixir is warm and sticky, dripping down my wrists and soaking into my veins. your lips taste like root beer and sun, and my tongue is as swollen as your heart. sand in my hair, you say i look dreamy, and your love leaves me dizzy and feverish when i drink up the cornflower ocean with a bendy straw, making sure to leave some for you. the beach bar plays slow jazz, and soon i'm in your arms, your hair slipping like gossamer silk through my sunkissed knuckles. i can see the sunset reflecting amongst your irises, and it makes my baby look even more  golden then he already is. only when our heels blister, and there is no longer air in our deflating lungs, do your lips find mine again, and you're pulling me towards the tides. the ocean stains my fingertips turquoise and paints seashells in my hair, you smile against my lips and i don't know whether i'm in a dream because mama said things like these only happen in the movies. i pinch my arm and raspberry jam dribbles onto the honeycomb sand, and you ask me why i look so sad and i tell you i don't want this to end. you frown and swallow the stars from your tongue, and i move my hand to smoothen the crease between your brows, but you're already starting to fade. i pull the shells from my hair and spit stars at the sky angrily, screaming at the sun who just shakes her head and looks away. i try to grab your arm, but my hand touches the ocean instead, my fingertips stained a deep blue. i run across the shore, seashells digging and carving into my feet, and i see you from a distance. the sand pulls me inwards, and i'm plummeting underneath, calling your name, but there's too much sand in your ears. i'm drowning in the tides, ocean in my lungs, my heart throbbing dangerously against my ribs. my vision blurs, but i still make out my baby in the sand, smiling against another girls lips.

//me: i'm going to write a happy poem today.
also me: jk//

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