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Prologue: The Accident

It was quiet in the small room Slenderman was currently in. The light blue pastelled walls calmed him down. The soundproofed walls were doing their job good. He felt at peace. There were no troublemaking boys. No complaining girls. It was pure silence.

Slenderman starts to stir the beaker he had on his hand with a stirring rod. He adds a drop of HCI into the mixture and then stirs it again.

He was making a potion for sweet little Sally. The child was a ghost, killed by her own uncle. Slenderman took the girl in and welcomed her to his mansion that was filled with several serial killers.

Thinking about that now, he cringed at how wrong it was to do that.

Then again, Slender is a selfish bastard so it makes perfect sense that he'd do that.

After taking in the girl, she was happy to finally have a family that cared about her. The thought made Slenderman feel a tinsy bit happy.

Weeks later, Sally came up to Slenderman asking if she could be human and alive again since Ben was once a ghost and he became human, so the girl thought she could be human too!

Sally missed how she could stroke her doll's hair and feel the material.

She missed all the food she loved eating.

She missed holding objects and interacting with them.

She missed feeling pain for some reason.

So here is Slenderman, making a potion to make Sally alive again. He knew the recipe to it by heart. He did it for Ben. He did it for Jeff who recklessly always get shot. Point was, he made it too many times.

Probably because Ben and Jeff loves killing each other too.

Slenderman starts to hum some tune he had heard of before.

"Okay. Another drop of thee and then another drop of thee," he adds more ingredients into the beaker.

The potion he was making wasn't meant to be drank, nothing would happen if people drank it. Instead, they have to smell it.

Slenderman was enjoying his time until-

The door slams open.

In goes Jeff and Ben, Ben had a tight grip on a remote while Jeff was running after him.

"BEN! YOU ASSHOLE!" Jeff screeched and tried clawing Ben's eyes out. But luckily Ben dodged the attack.

"You've been watching TV for hours! Can't a guy watch spongebob?!"


Jeff uses punch- to Ben's face.

Ben falls to the ground.

Jeff won!

Slenderman had enough of the two, the peace the room once held was now thrown out of the window.

Slenderman puts down the beaker on the table, he releases two of his tentacles.

One of them immediately wrapped itself around Jeff's waist. The other tentacle had its grip on one of Ben's foot.

Slenderman both held them in the air and far away from each other.

"Jeffrey Woods, Benjamin Lawman!" Slenderman shouted.

The two rowdy teens ignored the man and the position they were in.


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