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He stood tall, dark, shaded, tanner than ever.  His sleek, muscular, daunted and handsome figure; described his existence.

He was the Mayor.

He ran the town... It's charges and it's matters. His people loved him as well. He was the best in their interest. He was loyal and honest for them. He had been trained for this day since he was seven and he finally stood proud achieving his position.

He had been through a lot. The torture and torments his grandfather made him suffer through, the hardships he had to cross down, the hurdles that stood his way as he graduated college and joined back his father in office and finally taking over two years ago, becoming the youngest mayor in the history of Cherwood.

Soon he was going to turn twenty five in nine months and he needed to get married, as the law of his town required him to do so to carry out his responsibilities.

He was plastered on every magazine around the world. He was influential, inspirational, powerful, seductive and a world class top rated eligible bachelor. He spent nights with women, who loved to be held down by him, screaming his name. He would hold nothing but an easy night out for his pleasure and never sleep back with the woman. He jumped up from one to another and had meaningless sex with women.

To him women were nothing but a mere piece of sexual pleasure.

He was standing out looking through the window pane of his office, giving him a view of his town. The town his great grandfather built into something this big. The town his father ran for almost twenty years and made it into a never colliding beautiful corporate city. The city he now runs as a Mayor and swears an oath to always love work, prosper and protect.

A knock on the door made him turn his head as he called out his permissions for the person to come in.

He heard slow footsteps following in. A small cracked voice called out.

"Everyone's waiting for you Mr. Mayor.", His secretary Jean Russo called out in a low tone.

That's the effect he had on everyone.

Everyone not only respected him but people also feared him. His wrath. His justice was bigger than any law or rule ever made. His strength was stronger and beyond any limits and he knew how to use his powers. One of the reasons why he was extremely successful and intimidating.

He didn't let anyone stop him and he knew how to put an end to anyone who ever stands in his way to make his city prosper.

He nodded back to his assistant and started walking ahead out of his office, into the elevator.

The mayor's office stood in a fifty six floors high building that had the city hall in it. The two left for the city hall pressing fifteenth floor.

"Any specific details?", The Mayor asked Jean who was busy typing into his phone.

He immediately stood straight up collecting every detail inside his mind to present down more sequenced to the mayor.

"Everything is good to go. The rings are here and your father has the one you'll be giving to Ms. Paige and everyone else is also here. Even the Paige's.", Jean told him back in a synchronized manner like he'd been preparing for this throughout his life.

He simply nodded back and waited for the elevator doors to open.

Soon it opened revealing a huge crowd looking at him inside the elevator like everyone was waiting for him to show up and perhaps they were.

The cameras began flashing with everyone lining up to have a glance at his handsome might.

The women stood jealous and remorseful at how the handsome package won't be the one they'd be getting perhaps it was someone else far more petite and gorgeous that the mayor had chosen at his own hands to carry the title of his wife.

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