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The group of us was small. There was little who were able to help and less who could contact their wolf from being in the silver cage. Only Jazz was able to regain her full strength so soon after being in there. She was just dizzy from an injection they had given her yesterday.

"This doesn't make any sense," she rubbed her forehead," One minute, I'm at home, eating breakfast and the next my brother's crazy ass girlfriend is shoving a needle into my neck. I don't get it."

"Wrap your head around it, will you? In case you didn't notice, you're in a warzone."

She looked at me with more confusion than I thought was capable. We didn't have time for me to be timid or nice like the version of me she's accustomed to. My pack needs me now. I just can't.

"We need to get upstairs. Does anyone know what's up there?"

"I do," the pregnant wolf stood up," I lived up there before I told my mate I wouldn't fight for their cause and neither would our baby."

"Tell me."

"It's horrible up there. There are witches at nearly every turn with a few guarding Ryland's room," she looked up at me, biting her lip nervously before adding," He took over your room."

"That's not creepy at all; continue."

"To get up there you have to be invisible. They'll notice you by the sound of your footsteps, by the weight of your breath, by your every move. It's impossible."

"Nothing is impossible," I turned to Jazz," Can I trust you to help me?"

She stared at me, wide brown eyes like a deer in the headlights. She knew that she had no choice.


I crouched behind a group of wolves that all stood crowded in a circle around their Luna while a human shrieked and screamed at the door of the cell.

"Let me out of here! I want to see a lawyer! Let me out!"

The gentle sound of steps followed soon after, making Jazz quiet her screams until a red cloak stood in front of her, figure's head bent to hide their identity.

"What is it?"

"Where am I? Where is my brother?"

"I'm afraid Master Ryland is busy at the moment."

"I demand to see my brother. Take me to him."

The red cloak raised their head only slightly. I couldn't see their face because of everyone surrounding me but I noticed how a lock of brown hair fell out of their hood. She was quiet a moment.

"Very well. I'll bring you to him."

The sound of the key in the lock reminded me of my part in this plan. The door swung open and she told Jazz to step out. She stopped halfway through the doorway. I moved a little to make sure she followed through with the rest of the plan.

Her hand reached out and grabbed the red cloak by the shoulder, making them turn back towards the cell.

"I'm not really sorry about this," she said. Before they could reply at all, she punched them hard in the stomach, making them kneel over so she could knee them in the head. 

She was unconscious.

Some of the wolves locked her up while one took her cloak. They were to go upstairs and go get Mike for help. I would escort Jazz up to see her brother.

I pulled her medallion off her own cloak and hooked it onto mine. She was higher up than the others.

"I can't believe it," Jazz murmured, kneeling in front of her," This is Emma Nigel. She goes to the community college in the next town over with me. We went to a party together last week."

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