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A/N: A little PSA: There's a lot of swearing in this chapter, be warned. :)


Derek's POV


I was so screwed. So very, very screwed.

I didn't even bother getting out of my car, I just sat in my driveway in silence, in my wet swim trunks and damp shirt.

I couldn't shake the burn that exploded across my skin when that bath bomb hit the water. I had no idea where Lillian got it, but I sure as hell knew what was in it.

Fucking wolfsbane.

Jesus, who put that shit in a bath bomb?

It wasn't poisonous the same way it was to me, but it still seemed like an obscure-as-hell herb to put in a beauty product. But then again, I wasn't human. I didn't make a habit of examining the ingredients in products from Lush or the drugstore. Maybe I should start.

I was honestly shocked that I didn't smell it the second I walked into that bathroom. Maybe I didn't because I'd been too damn distracted by her.

What a mess. I had no idea what I was going to tell Lillian, either. The most important part of the problem. I couldn't remember the last time I had to try to cover up a wolf-out because I was usually great at keeping it hidden. There had only been a couple of times with Lillian that had been iffy.

First, when she accidentally gouged my arm with a machete. I had to hide it from her as it healed instantly, and wrap a bandage around it just so she would think I was normal and was still cut open. In a way, I'd been glad of the distraction of the dog breaking her leg, so my cover wasn't completely blown.

Then there was the whole horse thing. I was immensely glad Ophelia seemed to be over her terror of me, and I hoped Lillian wouldn't question why the horses were so scared of me ever again. It was undoubtedly a bit unfortunate that I was dating a girl with so many herd animals.

At least Hudson and I got along, but dogs were easy. All I had to do was flash my eyes at him when Lil wasn't looking, and he'd flop over and recognize me as Alpha for the rest of his life.

I could tell her I felt sick and had to leave suddenly, but I wasn't going to return her call that she'd made when I was driving back. I'd text her in the morning.

She was too smart for this.

The longer I sat there, the stronger the realization grew in my mind. She wasn't going to buy that I was sick. There was no rational explanation for glowing eyes, elongated canines and roaring like an animal.

A pit of ice opened in my chest, and I gripped the steering wheel until my knuckles turned white. Bringing people I love into the supernatural side of my life rarely ended well.

People that I love.

The words clanged through that icy void in me, the weight of them sinking in.

I hadn't even thought that to myself, even though I spent a lot of time thinking about her. I wasn't even sure it was how I felt; it had been so long since I'd let myself love anyone. Last time I'd only thought I loved Kate, I know now I hadn't. It was just infatuation.

But with Lillian, it was different somehow. She had no idea what I was. Finding out might ruin what we had. If it wasn't ruined already.

I was so screwed.

Heartbeat // A Derek Hale Love Story (Teen Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now