ch 5 mama

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——-Sorry for the long wait AyaseIzaya happy late birthday and to all who had a birthday before this update——-——-

Third person

Keith was nowhere to be seen. Not in his room. not in the training deck or the kitchen. So where was he? The paladins looked high and low for their red paladin, only to think that he has vanished. Pidge constantly checks security footage, "He must have found a way around the cameras view. He's not showing up." she announced over her communicator.

"No luck with Lance. He's refusing to help us with Keith." Hunk said sitting in his large chair in the bridge room. The four sit in silence.
"When can try blocking off the kitchen again." Pidge said.
"Won't work number five. Keith isn't breastfeeding a baby anymore omegas can go days living off of their own milk. It has to go somewhere, better use it then letting it go to waste." Coran mentioned.
"Why couldn't Keith keep the baby anyway? It didn't cause any harm." Hunk spoke out.

"Omegas are a rare rank for the Galra, the Galra believe that omegas are meant for nothing but breeding soldiers. But along with that breeding they have to make sure that the omega stays healthy and stress free. Until the child is of age it won't survive long without a mother. The way the mother treats the child will determine if it shall be alpha beta or omega. Another reason why we needed to send it off." Allura explains "Keith got attached to the kit too quickly. And the baby's clinging onto Keith. If Keith kept it it would be raised as an omega and if Zarkon got his hands on them they will never be the same." Allura crossed her arms.
The screen flashed an incoming transmission. Shiro taps a hologram button Kolivan appears on the screen with a screaming child.
"Where's the cub!?" He asked. The Paladins looked at each other.
"Keith? We don't know where he is, he's hiding somewhere."
Shiro claims.
"He hasn't tried to attack any of you yet correct?"

"Attack? If you don't count the first day of Liu being gone then no. He hasn't." Pidge speaks out. Kolivans eyes trail to the bottom of the screen.
"Behind you!" Kolivan screams out as a Hunk was tackled to the ground by Keith. Keith roars at them baring his teeth. He charges snapping at anyone.
"Mama! Mama!" Liu cries out.
Kolivan yells behind him. Keith hits Pidge and Shiro with his tail sending them flying back. He clamps down with his fangs on Allura's forearm. Shiro charges grabbing Keith and prying his mouth open to free Allura. He holds Keith in a tight head lock. Keith thrashes around trying to snap and claw at shiro, only to be held tighter. He manages to force Shiro back into the wall and head butt his nose. Shiro doesn't let go. The door slides open cries fill the room. Kolivan sets that baby down heading to assist Shiro. Keith's eyes land on the child and fights harder for freedom.
"Shiro, an alpha needs to submit him!"

"Have Lance do it!" Pidge yells out.
"That won't be enough. You humans are all betas. Move!" Kolivan yells.
Shiro lets go letting Keith snarl and rush to the child. Kolivan tackles him baring teeth and snarling. Keith hisses under Kolivan growling and struggling. Kolivan lets out a roar right at Keith. His ears fall back in submission and lets out a whine.
"Enough Keith!" Kolivan yells at him. Baby Liu crawls to Keith and sat by his head and pats his cheek and lays his head on Keith's shoulder. Keith purrs.
"Calm down." Kolivan says getting off the small boy. Keith flips to his side and curls around the baby purring happily. Keith checks the baby making sure that Liu is healthy. Liu coos patting his mothers cheeks with his tiny baby paw hands. Liu picks up the purring trying to purr back to Keith. The ship shakes and the lights go out. Keith growls getting to all fours, he scoops Liu up in one hand holding the babies back as Liu clings to his shirt. (LIU BEING A BABY KOALA!!!!)

The ship shakes.
"I cant see anything!" Lance yells out.
"Me either man!"

There was grunting and thuds.
"Paladins?" Kolivan calls out. Keith backs away moving slowly. A hand wraps around Keith.

The lights flicker back on. Everyone was looking around ready to fight someone, anyone. No one attacked them. 

"Where's Keith?" Lance asked looking around panicking. everyone runs looking for Keith only to meet back in the control room.

"They took Keith!" Lance yells officially panicking. His cuddly lover and the galran kit was missing.

The storm begins (Voltron fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें