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I am Loki of Asgard, I do what I want, when I want (which means I may see fit to choose more than one answer

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I am Loki of Asgard, I do what I want, when I want (which means I may see fit to choose more than one answer.)  Furthermore; I was tagged by A N other so, hold onto your Midgardian hats, here one goes.

1, The late 80's version of the Toy's r Us Christmas advert

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1, The late 80's version of the Toy's r Us Christmas advert.  (What? Look, everything in Midgard was better in the 80's and 90's.....well, it was)

2, All men make mistakes, but only wise men learn from their mistakes.  Winston Churchill

3, Fiorentina pizza. (Still)

4, My wife. Besmirching the Throne, controlling the Destroyer.  Ruling the eight remaining realms.

5, A literal toss-up between The Punisher (2004) and Shaun of the Dead.  (What? I love violence)

6, 69 (jesting, it's 44)

7, The night I had her all to myself.  (in the spa pool, on the shuttle) 

8, Hair of the dog (Guns n Roses) Back off bitch (Guns n Roses)

9, Samuel Barber the composer for his depressing masterpiece (Adagio for strings)

10, Betrothed

11, Somewhere safe (preferably in the embrace of my wife, where else?)

12, Alfheimr is not too bad, but the light elves are very twee and fair.  Vanaheimr, no, just no.  I do not wish to live anywhere near Freyja.


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