chapter forty five

Start from the beginning

"Harry, you can't possibly mean that. I know you felt something too." Liam says, his voice calmer now, but still a hint of anger lingering.

"Liam stop, I-"

"You're lying to yourself, Har-"

"Shut the fuck up." Zayn intervened, his jaw was clenched harshly as he scowled at Liam. "He's told you how he felt plenty of times, stop making him repeat it and move the hell on." Zayn says. This sparks the anger back up in Liam and his face was nearly red with rage.

"You shut the fuck up, this is none of your business!" Liam yelled. I clutched my fists tightly, not out of anger but out of nervousness. A sly smirk makes its way onto Zayn's face and I just knew nothing good would come out of it, at least not for Liam anyway.

"He is my business. He always has been." Zayn says, and I gasp softly when I feel him suddenly grab my hand, his fingers slipping through mine as he pulls me closer to him and away from Liam. I couldn't help but blush at his words despite Liam standing just inches away. It made my heart skip a beat just by the way he said it. I could tell he really meant it and that brought on a major fluttering of butterflies to my stomach. The feeling didn't go away even seeing Liam was now beyond the point of being pissed, he was livid. The next words flying out of his mouth made my chest hurt, shocking me.

"You should've died, you should've died months ago. I thought you were dead." Liam hissed. Zayn squeezes my hand tightly but not enough to hurt as he had complete control over his power.

"Yeah, but too bad someone didn't check behind themselves. That's what happens when you're sloppy." Zayn says bitterly. I was so confused by their knowing exchange.

"W-what are you talking about?" I asked, mostly directing my question towards Zayn. Zayn raises an eyebrow.

"Oh, he didn't tell you?" Zayn asks.

"Tell me what.." I trailed off, becoming even more curious about what these two knew about that I didn't. Zayn looks at Liam with a scowl.

"You didn't tell your friend here about how you tried to off me?" Zayn asks bitterly, spitting the word 'friend' out like it was poison in his mouth. The glare lessened on Liam's face but didn't disappear completely. My eyes widened at the words leaving Zayn's mouth. Is that what happened? Is that he disappeared a few months ago? I always found it strange how Zayn showed back up out of nowhere and was now appearing to be back to himself again and kept telling me he had to make his uncle believe that he was dead, but I never knew why his uncle would think he was dead. I hadn't put too much thought into it, but now it had started to make sense.

"You what?" I asked Liam. He didn't answer, only glared at Zayn which could only confirm what he said was true. I placed a hand over my mouth in shock. Is that why Liam kept beckoning me so much to just get over Zayn the last couple of months? Because he didn't even think that I'd see him again so there wasn't a point to be hung up over him? "L-Liam, how could yo-"

"Because, I'm sick of him Harry. Even before he left the team, everything was about him. Zayn this, Zayn that. Zayn is such an amazing person, Zayn is the person everyone looks up to. Zayn is the best fucking person in the world. While I had to sit on the back burner, all of my good doings and achievements going right over everyone's head like it meant nothing." Liam says, bitterly.

"But Zayn was your best friend, you-"

"I don't care, I was tired of seeing him climb straight to the top while I was always in his shadow. Second best. Not only did he steal the spotlight from me and the rest of the team, but he had you too. The only person I desired was of course taken by him, just like he takes everything!"

𝘱𝘴, 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶 » 𝘻𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘺  (𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘶𝘦𝘥)Where stories live. Discover now