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"You will be going to your new school tomorrow onwards okay?", Jungkook's mother told her son who was busy texting his friends back in Busan.

"Did you hear me?", she repeated and Jungkook simply nodded, he was still pretty upset about moving but he had to accept it. The family ate their lunch and headed back home.

"Why don't you look around the neighbourhood Jungkook? Find something interesting maybe?", Jungkook's father told his son as he figured that Jungkook would be bored at home and the furniture had to arrive to be placed in their home. Jungkook agreed and left the table as he was done to 'find something interesting'.

Jungkook walked down the street and he found a lot of Internet cafes, stationary shops, a mall, a lot more cafe's and restaurants. Everything was just walking distance from home which was really convenient unlike his house back in Busan. He went on walking around for a while till he started getting thirsty because of all the walking under the sun. He spotted a small convenience store and decided to go there. He had a mini debate with himself on which drink to have, and finally took a can of Coke and went to the cashier to pay for his drink and noticed that it was a boy who was his age and had greyish hair behind the counter and he wondered why someone so young was working at the store.

Jungkook didn't realise that he was staring until the boy waved his hands in front of him and he looked impatient. He immediately apologised and felt embarrassed and handed the drink to the boy who then scanned it and gave handed him the bill. Jungkook managed to get enough money for the drink from his pocket and gave it to the boy, who put the can in a plastic cover and handed it to Jungkook without giving him any eye contact.

Who was that boy?

Who was that boy? ------------------

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