Chapter 19

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Vicky's P.O.V :

Bright . So bright .. That was the first thing I thought about , it was too bright for me to open my eyes .. But eventually I did .. I saw my Dad , Mum , Tyler , Dylan , Uncle Peter and 2 people I've never seen before ..

"D-d-dad?" I said slowly "Hey , Sweetheart .. How do you feel?" Dad said "M-my head hurts .. Can you turn the lights off , please?" I said blinking back the tears that formed in my eyes "Sure , Sweetie" Mum said .

They turned off all the lights and lit the lamp by my side .. "May I know what happened?" I asked "You were walking down the street and a motorbike swept you off the floor and you hit your head pretty hard .." Mum said "Uuumm why am I here ? I was supposed to be in Canada with dad .. what brought me back here?" I asked "Honey , when you hit your head it cause a temporary amnesia" Mum said "A temporary what? Oh no .. you can't be serious .. How long have I forgot?" I panicked "Almost the past year and half" Dad said "You can't be serious" I said and started to cry "Hey , no no it's okay" Dylan said and pulled me into his arms as I sobbed into his chest "Can you guys give us a minute alone?" Dylan said and then everyone left us alone "Can I ask you something?" I said "Sure , baby" He said "Are you and I .. ?" I said giving him a knowing look "You mean? .. Yes , you and I have been dating for almost a year now" He said "Oh thank god .." I said and hugged him close "Never thought I'd be in love with my best friend" He said "Yeah .. can I see the guy who made the accident?" I asked "Why would you?" He tensed "I just wanna see him , please?" I said "Okay .." He said and kissed my forehead .


10 minutes later Dylan came back with a guy .. He was a bit shorter than Dylan , he had curly dark brown head and his eyes were just WOW .. It was green with a shade of gold and brown but there was something else in his eyes .. "It's okay , D .. You can leave I'm all right" I said and he nodded and left "Uumm hi ?" He said "Hey .. uumm do I know you?" I asked "Y-yeah .. we g-go to the same school" He said staring at his feet "Can you tell me what happened exactly?" I asked "Y-you were walking and I was d-driving my motorb-bike pretty fast , I lost control and I swept you off the floor" He said and tears were threatening to fall from his eyes but he looked up to the celling and then looked at me again "Victoria , I -" He was cut off by the door that flew opened and Jessy came running to me crying ""Vicky ? Oh honey .. you look so not fine at all .. How are you feeling? Do you still remember me?" She kept crying and crying through all of her questions "Jess , calm down I'm totally fine .. Uumm not really but I do still remember you" I said pulling myself away from her . The guy was about to leave the room "Hey wait! .. I didn't get your name" I said and he turned around "Darren" He said and left immediatly .


For the rest of the night I wasn't focused on anything . "Baby?" Dylan said "Hm?" I said looking at him "Are you alright?" He asked "I don't know .. Can I sleep for a little bit?" I said "Of course .. Good night , Baby" He said and moved forward to kiss me but I turned my head to the side and gave a nervous laugh "Sorry .." I said and he clinched his jaw and left .

I layed back and tried to calm my head down . I closed my eyes for a second and let myself sleep for a few hours.


Dylan's P.O.V:

*Flash back*

I put the phone in my pocket quickly and hurried to my car and drove as fast as I can to the hospital . I knew that punk would hurt her sooner or later.

I arrived at the hospital and asked for Vicky's room .. Lily and Niall were clutching each other tightly , Vicky's dads and her mother were talking about something that Mr.Maynard didn't agree on , I approached them and cleared my throat "Is she awake yet?" I asked "No she's still under the effect of the morfen and pain killers" Mr.Hoechlin said "You came just in time, Dylan" Vicky's mum said "In time for what exactly?" I asked confused "For our little deal, Dear" She said "Let's move this to the cafetria" Mr.Hoechlin said and we did as he asked .


"So, from what I've gathered is that you want me to lie to my best friend?" I said "Its for her own good .. You know pretty well that this boy isn't good for her , and neither that drug addict and her spanish boyfriend" She said "What do I get in return ?" I asked "You get to be her beloved boyfriend , don't try to convince me that you didn't want to be her boyfriend at one point" She said smirking "And one more thing; I'm still her mum and she still lives with me and her brother .. None of these gay dads things exist ok?" She said and gave Vicky's dads a disgusted look "Okay , deal" I said and ran to Darren.


I sat next to Darren waiting for his reaction to what I said. "Dylan, please .. don't do this , she's your best friend you can't make her life a lie .. Please, I'm begging you" Darren pleaded "You know so fucking well that this is all your damn fault .. if you listened to all of us and stayed away from her, none of this would have happened" I shouted "She's gonna hate you so much when she remembers all of that" He said "That if she remembered .. stick to the plan, Darren so no one gets hurt okay?" I said and left him alone.

*End of flash back*


Vicky's P.O.V:

I woke up to the orange light of the sun that krept through the curtains .. I opened my eyes slowly and pushed the button for the nurse to come.

I catched her name 'Hayley' from the tag on her white dress .

"How are you fealing today?" She asked "Alittle better .. Is there anyone outside for me?" I asked "There's this guy who refused to leave since last night" She said "Can you bring him in?" I asked and she nodded and left.

She came back with Darren who took a chair and sat beside my bed "Good morning" He said "Good morning to you too" I said smiling the nurse came back with the food trail .. "Its gonna be your responsibility to feed her" She said and left "Y-you don't have to feed me I'm totally fine" I said "Its okay, I don't mind" He said and moved the trail closer to me as he sat in front of me on the bed . He used his not broken hand to fill the spoon with the vegetables soup and I opened my mouth and wrapped my lips around the spoon. I felt his eyes on me the whole time as he repeated the action until I couldn't take more , he put the trail away and handed me a napkin so I could wipe my mouth. He gave me my medicines and water.

I layed back on the bed and took a deep breathe "Want me to leave?" He asked "No , its okay .. I don't wanna be alone" I said "Alright .." He said and sat back on his chair "You know its kinda weird .. having your memoirs taken away from you without any warning .. I can't even set my mind to the last thing I remember .. I have no idea why I'm here , I have no idea what am I gonna do with my life" I said "Hey .. its gonna be okay, there's still a hope for you to remember" He said "Remember what exactly?" I shouted and made him jump abit from his seat . I started crying and shaking, his arms circled my body and I could feel his heart beating fast "Sing to me please?" I said through sobs and he let go of me and give me a horrified look "How did you know I could sing?" He asked "I don't know, do you?" I asked "I do" He said and cleared his throat and took me in his arms again.

How can I just let you walk away

Just let you leave without a trace

When I stand here taking every breath with you, uhh

You're the only one who really knew me at all

How can you just walk away from me

When all I can do is watch you leave

Cuz we shared the laughter and the pain

And even shared the tears

You're the only one who really knew me at all

So take a look at me now

Now there's just an empty space

And the- "I'm sorry I can't do this, I need to go" He said quickly as he let go of me "But Dar-" He cut me off "I'm really sorry I just can't" He said and left slamming the door shut behind him.

To Be Continued ...

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