The final project...

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They are all music majors in university and they are on their last day of uni. They have graduated already cuz that's how it works now.

It was the last day. The last moment. The last strawberry. After this there would be no more. No more torture. No more waking up early to walk into a living hell. No more school.

The only thing they had left to do was the final project. The group prank. It was a tradition that the music majors had. The top 7 seniors would organise and pull off the prank without getting caught by the principal.

These boys had been organising this for over 3 months now and they were finally ready. They were ready for their final deed.

This year they had decided to go all out. They had seen their predecessors try and almost fail to pull off an extravagant prank but this year was THEIR year. And they were going to blow the top off the school.

Each boy had their purposes.

Seokjin was in charge of providing food for all the teachers. But the food, if you could call it food, was extremely sour. First step:complete.

Yoongi and Hoseok were in charge of the music choice. Hoseok was a pretty good hacker, being able to get past the schools firewalls and giving free access to all the schools sound systems.

Yoongi on the other hand was in charge of choosing the music. In the school, all music with profanity in it were banned and anyone caught listening to that kind of music would have a severe session of detention.
So he decided to play the most aggressive song with the most amount of swearing included. You know, to stick to school rules.

Now the last three were all in the classrooms, taking all the screws out of he teachers chairs and rigging up cans of silly string and a bunch of air horns to the classroom walls that would be set of by the teachers chair falling.

Now all this was happening at roughly 4am meaning that these kids had broken into the school successfully. But the hard part now came. They had to escape successfully as well.

They each climbed through the vents quietly enough that they didn't awake the security guard that was sleeping. With a few noises they were out safely, without a flaw in their plan.

Do you know what time it is? It's time skip time!

School has begun. Teachers have arrived. Students have entered their unknown deaths. Everything was set. The cameras were rolling and the pranksters were ready. They were ready for all hell to break loose.

5 minutes later...(anyone else say that in a spongebob voice?)

There were teachers screaming, spitting out food and lying on the ground. Students were either pissing themselves from laughter or trying to pull silly string from their hair. Everything was complete. The principal was trying to turn off the amazing music that was playing, but hacker hope was too good for him. They boys had done it. They had pulled off the secret prank plan that the last 6 generations had tried and failed to complete. They were the masters.
The END.

I'm sorry its not that good. I was writing this at 2:45 in the morning while i was on holiday so I'm sleep deprived as hell.

By JHOEP!!yes I'm back

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