"It's only been 2 weeks." I answered still looking down and sketching.

She sat in her seat across from me and let out a short laugh," Yes it has hasn't it? So tell me how have you been in the past 2 weeks?"

"Still emotionless."

I heard the scratching of her pen that was writing things down in her notebook. "Ok let's be more specific. Can you talk about school, your home life? What you dream about?"

I stopped drawing and looked at her," I have had this one dream that came out of nowhere and I've been thinking a lot about it. It's getting really annoying." I then looked down and continued sketching again.

She wrote more things down and continued her questioning," What was this dream about?"

"If you must really know. It's mainly about me and some girl. Anyways we were little and would always be playing either at the park or her house and it would be annoying because she never left my side. It didn't bother me though, because it made me feel happy. Something I hardly feel." I said while looking at my doctor.

She wrote more things down,"do you know who this girl is?" She asked looking at me and crossing her hands in her lap.

 I shook my head no, "But she looked familiar." 

"She could've been an old friend of yours?" She asked. I sat there thinking. "Maybe." I said looking back down at my sketchbook.

 I put down my pencil and ripped the paper from notebook. "This is the girl I see in my dreams." I said handing her the paper. I then grabbed my things, got up from my seat and left. "Wait, but were not-

The door cut her off when I shut it, unable for her to finish her sentence.

I left the gross smelling building and continued my walk down the sidewalk, but it was interrupted when I noticed the familiar blonde haired figure again walking quite a ways down the same sidewalk as me. 

I stood in my spot watching the figure walking away, but soon disappeared as they turned a corner. 

Being curious on who it was I decided to follow the person, all the way until we ended up on a roof top. How did we get up here?

I was shaken from my thoughts when I noticed the figure was gone, but it was seconds when I spotted the girl, who was standing at on the ledge of the rooftop. She had her arms stretched out to her sides and her head tilted up.

Why is she doing that? Maybe she's trying to commit suicide? I think I should stop her.

I quietly walked up behind her then wrapped both my arms around her waiste and pulled her down, but a little too hard since it caused us to fall to the ground. Oww that was dumb of me.

I looked at the girl and saw only half her face. She didn't look ugly.

"Why did you interrupt me?" She asked holding her head, looking at me. Now that I can see her whole face, I noticed she looked familiar.

"You were going to commit suicide so I stopped you."

 She looked at me head tilted and smiled,"no I wasn't." 

I got up from the ground and dusted myself off, "Well next time I'll just let you stand on the edge. Even you accidentally fall or not I won't save you." I spat out.

She sat there, head still tilted to the side, then smirked and held up her hands.

 "You're not hurt help yourself up." I said looking at her. 

She sat there staring at me, then her eyes widened a bit, like how someone just realized something. She then made puppy dog eyes. That won't work on me.

I stood there staring at her then gave in. "Thank you." She smiled as I help stand her up. She's tall. "I knew you couldn't resist my puppy dog eyes...... Ava."

Then it hit me. I quickly walked to my back and pulled out my sketchbook and turned to a page and held up the picture I drew, to her face.

"You're the little girl in my dreams, but older." I said nonchalantly.

She smiled and hugged me,"I've been dreaming about you too!"

"Really? Were you annoying in your dreams too?"

She let go and gasped,"You're such a meany head Ava. In my dreams we were getting married." She smiled. 

"In mine you were annoying." I said bluntly. I then turned around and started walking away to head home since I was done with the conversation.

She laughed and jogged by me."You haven't changed one bit. Well besides your looks. You've gotten really really really pretty."

"Thanks and you have all your teeth." I said walking down the stairs inside the building.

She stopped me and looked at me with furrowed brows, "Do you remember who I am?"

 "Yeah, you're the annoying girl in my dreams." I said.

She sighed," I guess you have forgotten, but that's expected of you." She continued looking at me ," My parents and I moved into a house right across from yours. I was the new kid on the block and had a hard time making new friends. That was until I saw you. You were messing with sand in the sand box in front of your house, so I walked over and asked if I could play with you. You looked at me with a blank face and as soon as I saw your face I knew right then that I was in love, even if we were like 6 or 7. After that we became inseparable that is until I moved again."

I stood their staring at her and all those memories came flooding back. "I remember you know. I thought you disappeared or something."

She smiled," Nope my parents got a job offer elsewhere and we moved, but now we moved back. Right across from your house."

"That's a pain." I said as we continued down the sidewalk.

She giggled,"You're such a meany head Ava."

"And you're still annoying Ella."

The Girl with no Emotions (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now