Chapter 7- HERMACO?

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First before I start this chapter I would like to say thank you to Mentalist137 for not only writing her stories called Death By Granger and Deja Vu. Those are the two stories that have inspired me to write this book! So go read those, they also approved of this book so thanks for that. ✌

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I got up for the day only to notice the girls were getting up too. Draco was up as well. The only people who were still asleep was Blaise and Theo.

"Draco, why are you up this early?" I asked only because the girls need to get up for makeup and such. (Not that women are objectified by makeup, I used to be female and I know the struggles.)

"I don't just wake up looking this good Hermione, it takes quite a bit of work."

"I know that, you are quite ugly when you don't try."

"For your information-" Draco was cut off by everyone, apparently through our bickering we woke everyone up.

"Shut it, please, the irritation you've caused me, well just shut up." That'll be Blaise and his 'I don't get up this early' attitude, although he's been getting up this early for years knowing Draco.

I don't really know what happened next but it makes no sense really. One minuet I'm faced with Blaise's piercing glare and the next I have Draco Malloy kissing me, makes no sense does it?

"Wow I said to shut up, not to shut each other up but alright then." said Blaise.

"HERMACO OTP!" yelled Theo.

"You idiot you probably just woke the whole castle!" scolded Pansy.

"Pans, chill. In any case it won't matter because he got the name wrong. Its Dramione." said Astoria.

"Dramione? What kind of dumb ass name is that? That sounds like shit."

"OKAY STOP! Just go get ready for the day." scolded Draco, as he unwrapped his arms from around my waist. I guess I was too busy watching to notice them there, kind of nice if I say so myself. Kind of comforting actually.

"Yeah, anyways they aren't even a couple... yet." announced Blaise.

"We aren't a couple anyways, I wouldn't want to be near him with a ten foot pole thank you very much." I pushed him away, but he didn't seem to like that.

He pulled me back into his chest at full force, "what do you think you're doing? I'd love to be dating you but you just push me away love, maybe we should change that hmm?"

"If I have too." I said as I picked up my things as me and the girls went to the restroom.

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We came out of the bathroom to find the boys ready, waiting for us for breakfast.

"Alright ladies, lets go eat! I'm starving since none of us ate yesterday." Theo was speaking with way too much optimism.

We headed up towards the great hall. On the way there we got many looks towards us. Oh this was going to be an interesting day.

I'm sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I'm grounded and this is the most I can contribute at the moment. Hope you enjoyed and this takes care of your...... What does this say on my hand Theo?


Oh! Your Hermaco needs!


"NO! Its Dramione!!!! DRAMIONE NEEDS!"



Okay then your Dramione needs. Have a nice day!

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