Chapter 27

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It had been a 2 weeks since the doctor said he should wake up. They had transported Brendon back to California and I visited the hospital every single day, and even spent the night, waiting for him to wake up.

I walked into Brendon's kitchen and grabbed a mug from the cabinet. I proceeded to pour some steaming hot coffee into it, and then some whiskey which I found sitting on his counter. I poured way more than I probably should have into the mug, but then whos gonna judge me? Then I found my way over to the couch where I proceed to lay down like I was dead. Not only did I look dead, I felt dead.

There was no use in putting makeup on, I would just end up crying it off anyways. Brendon just wouldn't wake up. And there was nothing I could do to make him wake up.

All of the pain he's going through must be hell, and that's all I can think about. How it should be me in this situation instead of him.

I sat up and clicked on the T.V. the first thing that I saw when the T.V loaded up was Brendon's face. My Brendon. I held back the tears that were threatening to fall. I looked down at the remote in my hand and hit the power button.

I grabbed my phone that was sitting by my coffee and dialed Ally's number.

After the fourth ring, she answered.

"Hey Rose, how are you doing?" She softly said through the phone. She was always so sympathetic.

"I'm oka-" I paused. She already knows that I'm not okay, there's no point in lying to her. "I'm not okay." The tears in my eyes started to fall slowly.

"Hey, it's all going to be okay.. Are you still in Texas?" She asked. I could hear her shuffling around, grabbing things.

"No, They finally transported him back to California," I told her.

"Ok well I'm going to head to the airport right now," she said. 

"No Ally, you're in London, with Dan. I can't make you just come out here cause I'm upset. That doesn't make sense." I could almost hear her shake her head through the phone.

"No way. You're my best friend. You need me right now. I'll be there soon. I Promise." I nodded and smiled.

"Thank you, Ally." We continued to talk a little longer and then I looked around me. Brandon's house was a mess. I was a mess.

After spending some time cleaning up, I went and cleaned myself up. After taking a shower, I decided that today would be the day that I would put some makeup on.

I quickly put on some eyeliner and mascara and got dressed. I threw on one of Brendon's grey shirts and a pair of my skinny jeans. I pulled my hair up into a bun, so you couldn't see my roots from not getting my hair done in a while.

I grabbed my purse from the counter and slipped on a pair of vans that were next to the door. I examined myself one last time before I walked out the door and made my way to the hospital.

While I was walking to the hospital, I decided that it would have been a way better idea to drive. I for one forgot a jacket and it was kind of chilly.

Once I made it to the hospital I made my legs go up the stairs one by one as I walked to Brendon's room.

I walked and walked looking at the numbers on the doors until I found the room labeled 111. I slowly opened the handle and just like I had expected, I found Brendon in there alone, untouched. I looked up and saw the flowers I had first brought were now starting to die.

I slowly walked into the room and sat down in the chair right next to his bed. I grabbed his hand and laid my head on his chest, just listening to his heartbeat. I was really faint, but there was still a heartbeat, and at least that was something.

Brendon's parents had visited last week, but they could only stay for 3 days because they had to get back to their jobs. I'm sure Brendon would have been happy to know that his parents stopped by, seeing as how he doesn't talk to them much.

"Hey B, so Ally is going to be coming up and staying with me for a while. It was her idea, not mine. I know I know, short notice, but with you not being there, it gets pretty lonely. I mean there's always Bogart and Penny but they just aren't you." I promised myself I wouldn't cry, so I didn't.

I sat there, with my hand in his and my head on his chest for a while. Probably about an hour. Soon the doctor walked in to check on him.

"So how is he doing?" I asked him.

He looked down at his clipboard and then walked over to his I.V. "Honestly, he is doing great. The only problem is, we have no idea why he isn't waking up. It's most likely something that's going on inside his head. Do you know if he has ever been depressed it had any mental illness?" He asked me softly.

"Uhmm, not that I know of." I shrugged. "I know that he smokes and has ADHD... But I'm not sure about depression. He could have been, but if he did he's better now." I said simply.

The doctor nodded and said, "well, it's getting pretty late. I would recommend that you get going home. We will keep you updated on how he is doing, and you'll be the first to know if he wakes up." He smiled and I nodded. I picked up my purse and hung it on my shoulder. Then I picked up the vase of slowly deteriorating flowers and walked toward the door that the doctor was holding open.

That was probably the longest night of all. I laid in bed, just staring up at the ceiling. Penny Lane was by my head and Bogart was at the end of the bed. It was nice to have them around but they were nothing like Brendon. I missed him. I missed him so much that it physically hurt. And what hurt even worse, was knowing that it was all my fault.

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