"That is true, but you do realize she's going to find out sooner or later, right?" Lena asked, trying to gauge Kara's reaction, but when Kara's face contorted into one of mortification, her heart broke a little.

"I hope not!" Kara said, destroying every little piece of hope Lena had left for a future between them. "That would be a nightmare, do you realize how badly she'd make fun of us?"

Lena feigned nonchalance, all the while her heart was aching for Kara to realize that Alex had no right to judge when she was doing the same thing with Lucy, but she wasn't going to let Kara in on that little secret. "Well, if she can't support her sister having a healthy sex life, then she really should mature." She stated.

Kara playfully rolled her eyes. "Alex is my sister; I don't think she even wants to know about my sex life. She's just worried and wants me to be happy, and if she found out about this, she would tease me as payback for keeping it from her."

Lena nodded, pretending to understand the healthy version of a sibling relationship. She watched as Kara stood up from the bed, using the sheet to cover her supple breasts like she always did the morning after they had sex... as if Lena hadn't just had the opportunity to lick, suck, and squeeze them for hours the night before.

She pretended that the pain wasn't there and looked away respectfully as Kara dressed herself. "I'm going to stop at Noonan's for some breakfast. You wanna come with?" Kara asked chirpily.

Lena smiled sadly at her best friend; her heart was falling when she realized that once again, Kara wasn't going to stay any longer than she had to. She shook her head; she needed a few hours apart from Kara so that she could fall back into the role of 'Best Friend' in the public eye. "No, I think I'm going to do some work from home for a little bit. Now that Jess is on maternity leave it tends to get a little hectic."

Kara rolled her eyes. "Leeeeenaaa" She drawled. "You just said that you didn't have work today!"

That was when I thought you might stay with me for the day. "Yes, but I just remembered I had to do a few things. Jess is an enormously vital member of my faculty. She was the glue that held us together."

It wasn't all a lie; Jess was an essential member of her team, but she had been successfully managing with the help of her entire corporation.

Kara sighed and gave a curt conceding nod. "Alright, but if you change your mind, you'll have until about two."

"Alright, Kara. Thank you." She offered the Kryptonian an appreciative smile, and Kara nodded.

"Anytime, Lee. It's what friends are for!" She exclaimed before heading for the window that led towards the balcony. "See you tomorrow night?" She asked.

Every bone in Lena's body told her that this wasn't a good idea. That there was no way on Earth she could survive continuing this arrangement and not getting to have all of Kara, but her heart told her to keep going along with it; that as long as she was the one Kara was in bed with, it kept the competition away... That as long as she had some of Kara, she would be able to in some way pretend that she could be happy. "Of course, I'll be the one naked beneath you." She said with a wink.

Kara blushed. "I guess that means I'm the one naked above you?" She squeaked out.

Lena couldn't contain her mirthful laugh at Kara's adorable awkwardness. "You have been for the past six months... I don't think it will change."

Kara's blush still resided on her face, but her Supergirl confidence kicked up. "It never will." She said with a smirk before she leaped into the air.

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