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Hello, and welcome to the Dreamland Book Club. We are glad to have you stop by and hope you choose to explore what it has to offer.

My name is Cross-Warrior. I am the head admin of this club, with the admins axgirl13 and akeila_agramunn helping me out. We all will be the ones checking that things are running as they should, as well as answering any questions you may have. You are not required to follow anyone for this club, but it would be very kind of you to do so if you enter because of all the work each of us puts into this club.

All of that said, let's dive into how things shall work.

All of that said, let's dive into how things shall work

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1 - This club is open to all books except Random. What? Reviewing a Zodiac book doesn't really make sense. If you enter a Short Story or Fanfiction, though, I may have additional questions to ask you.

2 - You may request to avoid certain genres or content types, but I cannot always promise to be able to meet those requests. Please respect this.  Side note: Dreamland does not consider Teen Fiction a genre because more often then not it is either Young Adult Romance or Young Adult (General) Fiction.  You aren't required to read our "Audience and Genre Guide" chapter, but we strongly recommend it, especially if you think Young Adult = Teen Fiction.

3 - You may enter up to two stories, but at some points to keep the number of people even, I may have to exclude a book of yours. I try to alternate who I do this to if more than one person has two books entered. And keep in mind, you will have to do twice the work.

4 - We accept reader onlys as well.

5 - Please be specific in your form. If you have a sex scene in your book and it's not until chapter 27, tell me. If you have an lgbt relationship but it's in the background or just a side character for the first 10 chapters, tell me. If you want to avoid graphic gore but don't mind some action, tell me. The more specific you are, the easier it is on me.

6 -You MUST add both this book and Dreamland Community to your library. It's for your own good. The Community book has basically any important announcements and I don't want your excuse to be "I didn't see this-or-that because it wasn't in my library."

7 - Be kind and encouraging, whether it be to me, to the admins, or to the other members. You can critique someone in a kind but stern manner. You don't have to agree with a critique to accept another's view. This is about building each other up and becoming better writers and making friends. Please don't ruin that.

8 - Similarly to rule 7, have fun!

9 - It is not required that you join the Dreamland Discord, but we STRONGLY recommend it.  It makes it easier to reach the admins and it is where we'll poke you with reminders to do assignments and stuff.

10 - There is a password for the form. You will have to provide the correct password to be accepted. A later part of this chapter tells you where the password is.

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