12 - Happy Holidays

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This chapter is dedicated to stjean2021 who has already been eagerly awaiting this chapter. Thanks for not giving up on me :)

12 – Happy Holidays

My mom drops the custody petition eventually after I stick to my story that Marcus never touched me. This proves to me that it was truly just about the money for her—I mean, why else would she stay with a guy who beats the crap out of her after her chances for child support went down the drain?

Surprisingly, a new calmness spreads over the household. Marcus and my mom start to ignore each other and she immediately locks herself into her bedroom when he gets home at night. Since my mom isn't lifting a finger, Marcus is left to provide for us kids after a stressful work day, something he copes with without complaining. Every delivery service in a ten-mile radius is on speed dial on his phone and a house cleaner comes every other day to straighten up.

A few times, he visits me late in my room to check on me but leaves before matters escalate. It's puzzling until I notice Kerry sneaking into the house one night. Though I find it despicable that he carries on an affair in the same house my mom resides, I'm just as relieved. As long as Kerry keeps him occupied, I'm safe.

School is getting demanding and I study my ass off for my SATs to get into the college of my choice. Marcus doesn't spare any expense to get me prepared, and even sets me down one night to discuss my future.

"Have you thought about colleges yet?"

"I did some research, but I'm not sure where I want to go."

"And? Is Northwestern one of the schools you're considering?"

"I had really hoped to go out of state."

"Yeah, I figured you'd say that." His eyes glaze over with an odd glint I cannot place. "I don't mind, as long as you pick a school within driving distance. You know, just in case you want to come home on the weekends."

That will leave only midwestern colleges.

"I was hoping New York." My smile is timid when his eyes drill into me.

"I tell you what. Why don't you pick an undergrad college closer to home, and if you still want to go to med school after you're done, we can discuss New York, or even Boston or California. Deal?"

I sigh with frustration. Ultimately, what choice do I have? I could never afford a private college or out of state tuition anywhere on my own, so it'll come down to the school he picks for me.

"As long as you promise that I can go to med school wherever I want."

"Med school is a whole different ball game, Patrice. It's so competitive that you'll have to go to one that accepts you. Columbia, Stanford, and Harvard are incredibly hard to get into, but if you manage to pull it off, I'm sure going to support you."

"I'm also not sure about the major. I heard pre-med wasn't that good."

"Maybe take nursing. That way you have something solid if med school doesn't work out."

"I guess."

The whole conversation upsets me since it's obvious that he doesn't think I'm cut out to be a doctor. When he starts to take an active role in my college applications at the start of my senior year, I don't even push back. He heavily favors Michigan, though a few schools in Indiana and Wisconsin are also on the list.

In mid-December, the first acceptance letter arrives—from Purdue University in Indiana. I'm so thrilled that I accept straight away. My mother just grunts something inaudible under her breath when I tell her the news, but Marcus makes a huge deal about it by taking me to my favorite restaurant for dinner to celebrate.

Patrice's Story (A "Living With The Choices We Make" Novella) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now