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Mr Kim Namjoon slammed his book on the table.

Instantly, Jimin jolted up to face the angry-looking teacher.

"Why were you sleeping in my class?"


"Since this is the first day of school, I'll be nice to you but you better not sleep in the next class!" Mr Kim ruffled Jimin's hair as Jimin stifled a yawn.

"Alright class. Now after math lesson, we're going to start our next class— DRAMA CLASS!" Mr Kim announced as he took out a stack of scripts from his folder.

Passing it down, he said, "Well all of you have learnt the history of drama and arts last year so this year we're starting the first lesson with a performance!"

Everyone excluding Jimin groaned.

Well, the only class Jimin looked forward to was drama class. He could express his feelings through the performances his previous lazy teacher had instructed them to make by themselves and he wouldn't need to be bullied that much since it's all a "show".

This year, with a new teacher and new classmates, he hoped that they would be writing their own scripts again.

However, when the papers were passed down, his heart sank. It was the classical story of "Snow White And The Seven Dwarves".

Which means they would have to act out according to the scripts.

Mr Kim was too helpful. Jimin didn't need that help.

"Why is it 'Snow White'?! It's a childish story that parents read to their babies!" Hoseok complained.

"Well then, would you rather Sherlock Holmes?" Mr Kim raised an eyebrow.


"Well then, too bad for you," Mr Kim smiled as he went back to the teacher's desk, leaving Hoseok behind cursing at him.

"Ok so this performance will be held in March as part of the Children Fest when children visit our school to learn more about our history and so on. And in order to make sure they don't fall asleep, we have to prepare games and booths and performances for them."

"And," Mr Kim smirked, "our class will be doing all of the above while other classes prepare food and drinks. Just so because I am the teacher-in-charge and I want you guys to help out."

The class groaned again.

"So," Mr Kim started, "In order to make this fair, we're going to pick lots to decide the characters."

"There are many characters in this story so here are some of which you may get later: Snow White, the dwarves, Prince Charming, the huntsman, the wicked stepmother, squirrels, deer and whatever shit you can think of alright?"

"Ok, so..." Mr Kim's eyes scanned the faces of the students, "yes you. That short kid there with the good skin. You're choosing first."

Jimin reluctantly stepped out of his seat and watched to the front of the class. He stuck his hand into the box and pulled out a slip of paper.

Holding his breath, he took a look at it.

Fuck life.

Jimin groaned this time upon seeing the word.

A bird.

He was going to act as a bird.

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