Chapter 16

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Long black hair, with a hint of brown when sunlight did a waltz on its surface. Big round eyes. Thin red lips. He found her beautiful.

“Hi Taehyungah,” she waved and greeted him as she sat in the chair in front of him.

“Um…Hi,” Tae replied avoiding eye contact.

“Did you do the homework?” she asked him. He looked at her, this time meeting her eyes. An immediate blush adorned his cheeks.

“Y...yeah,” he stuttered. She giggled at this and pushed his glasses up his nose about a millimetre. He wasn’t taken aback by this. He loved it.

“Okay, if you need any help just let me know,” she smiled as she stood up.

“Bye Taehyungah,”
she added as she turned around.

Tae smiled at her lightly which grew wide when he saw her not looking at him anymore.

This wasn’t love at first sight. She was just a friend in the beginning. They hung out in class occasionally but nothing more.

And then one day she helped him study math. He couldn’t understand a problem and had started to lose his patience. These sessions went on for a few days.

As hours passed and with it days, with her help he could understand the subject well. He didn’t need her help anymore. But then that would mean that they wouldn’t hang out. And he wanted her near him.

“Actually Sohyunah, I did need some help,” he called her back. She turned around and gifted him with a sweet smile.

They spent the afternoon sitting side by side. What started as a problem solving session ended with them playing Tic-Tac-Toe.

He loved how she sat near him, their knees and elbows touching, her hair slightly grazing his arm tickling him whenever she moved. Her smile. Her giggles. How she pouted her lips whenever she thought hard of her next move.

She did catch him once or twice staring at her.

After school he walked to Kookie’s class. But he couldn’t stop thinking about her.

“Whats up? Why are you smiling like that?”

Tae raised his head all of a sudden realising that he had reached Kookie’s class. He saw Kookie was eye him suspiciously. Hiding his smile, he shook his head.

”Nothing. Lets go.”

He, like always, put his arm around Kookie’s neck and dragged away the younger one.

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