"Um..ugh.." he chuckled and looked at his girlfriend

"Don't you remember me? Brandon the boy with the pimple." I smiled as he said his name and I instantly hugged him cause he changed over the years. He really didn have a lot of pimples.

"Gosh, I didnt know you look different now!" he smiled and put his hand around his girlfriend.

"Well yeah I did, and Oh this is Amy we've been together for 2 years now. Whos your friend?" he said pointing at Ethel she smiled at him.

"Oh, Ethel this is Brandon my cousin, he used to look super weird back then but his looks good now, and um..Brandon this is Ethel, shes my best friend ever since junior high." he smiled and shook Ethel's hand she smiled also and Amy shook her hand too.

Then Aunt Amilia came down stairs and came in the kitchen saw us all talking.

"Oh, Brandon I see you saw Reaven and Ethel, Mind showing them their room?" he smiled and kissed Amy's temple and took our bags I felt really bad making him carry it, but he did anyways.

Then we all got upstairs and I saw two bed one was purple and one was green.

I smiled admiring the room around me but Ethel just went to the green bed and crashed into it.

"I havent slept in a bed to 2 whole days!" She shouted laying down on it. I laughed and so did Brandon, then I heard snores escaped her mouth. I chuckled as she was fast asleep.

"Is she always like this?" he whispers I shook my head and he chuckled and layed our bags down.

I went to the purple bed and looked at Ethel. I put the blanket over her, I changed into a normal white muscle tee and a pair of sweat pants and went down stairs I saw Amy leaving and Brandon kissed her and she left. I smiled and I remembered Me and Bert's kiss, I know we werent together but my feelings for him are gone, I still cant feel anything, even though I just saw the flashback.

Brandon saw me and I got down stairs and he bit his bottom lip.

"So, want to go to a party?" I smiled and remembered Ethel was sleeping up stairs, I honestly didn't feel like sleeping so I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, but Ethel's sleeping up stairs, I can't just leave her." he sighed.

"Dont worry, she'll sleep like a hippo, sleeping in a small chair of the plane I'm sure she can sleep as long as she wants and plus I want you to meet my friends." I bit my lip

"Okay Ill come." he smiled and I ran up and I looked at my bags and looked at the clothes I packed. I dont know what to wear for a party. So I decided to wear my I love mustache crop top and my high waisted shorts and my black high top converse, good thing I brang shoes.

I looked at Ethel and she was sleeping deeply, I can tell she'll sleep for a long time. I looked at myself in the mirror and I decided to put my hair down.

I got down stairs and I saw Brandon texting in his phone, he looked up stairs and smiled as he saw me I chuckled and Aunt Amilia came out of the kitchen and looked at us.

"Brandon, where are you taking Reaven?" he smiled and looked at me

"Shes going to a party with me." she sighed and looked at me

"Okay, Well I have to tell you dont loose whats down there or else your mom will kill me." I chuckled and shook my head

"I know I wont Im not like of thoes girls." she smiled and hugged me. As we were about to go she held me by the shoulder and made me stop.

"Ethel is upstairs right?" she asked I nodded my head and she let go and we went in the car.

Brandon looked at me and he began to drive through the road. The drive was kinda quite, but we talked and all then Brandon just had to bring up one thing I cant answer.

"So Reaven, Hows your love life?" I felt my heart pound, should I tell him about Bert? or maybe I cant? I dont know.

"Well, It complicated." he got surprised and looked at me.

"Your not gay are you?" I got shocked and looked at him

"Hell No! I just...Something happen before I left today." he looked at me and continued to drive.

"Okay, come on tell me, you can trust me." I shighed and got ready, I usually tell Ethel everything but she's not here and also Im here with my cousin.

"Okay, My old crush Bert he started to talk to me in the first day and I was really happy and then today or yesterday, he told me he loved me he even sang to me, and then when we kissed I-"

"Wait,wait, He kissed you?!" I sighed

"Yes, But he told me he loved me and he kissed me, then I lost my feelings for him." he sighed and we arrived at a house with people outside dancing with loud music.

"Well, Were here, and maybe you might find a lad you'll forget about that Bard guy in no time okay?" I chuckled and nodded. We got down the car and we walked passed by people outside, when we opened the door I couldn't help but hold my breathe as I smelled alcohol in the air.

Peolpe were kissing and dancing and playing with their friends and all I followed Brandon the whole time.

"Brandon!" I heard a deep british voice yell behind him. That voice sounds familiar. I turned around and I saw that he had curly hair and his blue polo was a mess, and was wearing skinny jeans and boots.

My jaw dropped as I saw him, it was-

"Harry!" Brandon shouted, they hugged in man way, he looked behind him and looked over at m as I faint smirk in his pink plump lips.

"And whos this?" He asked I felt embaressed, cause thats Harry Fricken Styles! My cousin knows Harry styles! But was he just checking me out?

"Oh, Um..Harry this is Reaven my cousin and Reaven this is Harry maybe you might know him from One Direction?" I smiled and tried to keep my fangirling side locked.

"Yeah, I have." he smriked as I spoke, I felt my face bruning with flush, I looked away from him and looked down in the ground.

"Well, Um..Harry you guys can get to know each other while I look for Amy." Brandon said leaving, I am gonna die because my cousin just left me with Harry.

"You okay?" He asked I looked at him and smiled.

"Y-yeah Im fine." I shuttered he chuckled, I cant believe I just made Harry Styles chuckle! Okay Reaven just Calm down... I can't believe it!

London is a small place after all.

My Little Butterfly || H.S.  {Book 1} ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें