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*Jackson's POV*

"Wake up,Jackson! Wake up! Jackson!!" I heard someone calling my name as I stirred a bit only to be greeted by my head pounding. "Ah,my head" I whisper as I opened my eyes.

"Thank god" I heard someone say as they let out a sigh of relief. My vision came around and I saw Namjoon and Professor Taehyung leaning over me as I laid on what seemed to be a table.

"Here" Namjoon said and leaned his hand towards me and I took a hold of it and got up. "What happened?" I ask still in a daze and looked at the two men.

"We both fainted remember,that Cenere Cristallo came to pay us a visit" Namjoon explains to which my memories come rushing back to me. "I'm glad you don't have any neurological damage,that gas was indeed very poisonous" Professor Taehyung says.

"Indeed Professor" I reply and got off the table. "Namjoon,wheres the card?" I ask Namjoon who was still not over the fact that we could've died. "Huh? O yeah the card. It's here" he says and reached for Professor Taehyung's table and picked up the card.

"Here" he handed over the card to me and I studied it carefully.

It showed a tall boy and a girl standing hand in hand on what seemed to be a park. While a much shorter boy stood in a distance staring at the two"

"What is this supposed to mean?" I ask looking and saw Professor Taehyung and Namjoon staring at the card in my hands. "Show it to me" Professor Taehyung says and I hand him the card.

"I assume,that the shorter man is Byun Baekhyun"
He says looking at the card. "Ok but what about the other two figures?" Namjoon asked.

"I might be wrong. But I might be right as well." Professor Taehyung says.

"Please Professor,Just tell us!" I plead looking at him.
Professor Taehyung removers his glasses and rubbed his eyes.

"Although I'm still not sure about the tall man. But I'm pretty sure that the girl is


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