Chapter 19 - Return Of The Dreaded

Start from the beginning

"Don't you trust me. Don't worry, I'm not going to pull an Evans on you." Kameela scrunched her face in confusion.

"Oh come on. You don't remember Evans? The guy that was into kidnapping." The mentioned trade brought Kameela into the familiarity of the name.

She pulled out a baggy pair of washed out jeans before pairing it with a black top and a black and white striped kimono. She picked black sandals and a black purse to go with it. If not for her jeans, she could easily be labelled a Shi'ite since she knew the place she lived in, the people were very good at labeling.

"Let's go." Kameela said as she pulled out a medium sized black scarf from her rack of scarves and headed out the door behind Amina.

They entered the car and Amina started driving. Kameela turned on the radio and skimmed through the channels till she landed on a channel that was playing 'Island' by Fuse Odg. She had started singing along when Amina suddenly turned off the radio.

"Excuse you." Kameela said.

"You're excused."

"This is not even your car so you have no right to end my jamming session."

"My dad said he will give it to me soon so it's basically mine and I'm driving and you're distracting me."

"Oh I'm sorry Mrs Driver, I didn't know you needed ears to drive."

"I actually do. It's because you can't drive that's why you don't know." Amina snapped at Kameela.

"Wow! Little miss petty has let loose." Amina quickly turned to Kameela and sent a glare her way before facing the road again. Kameela moved her hand back to the dial and turned on the radio again. By the time she turned it back on, the song was already coming to an end so she turned it off and used her phone.

"Do you remember Salih?" Amina asked with her eyes still on the road but a smile was creeping up on her face. Kameela dropped her phone on her thighs and looked at her blushing cousin.

"Am I supposed to?" Kameela noticed Amina's up turned lips retract.

"How can you not remember the angel sent from above? Did you ever listen to me when you visited us?" Amina looked at Kameela before her eyes shifted to the road.

"Frankly no. I never understood what you were saying so I just nodded my head, smiled and laughed at intervals and when you looked sad, I'll follow up with a slow nod and an 'oh eyyah'. So who is he?" Amina shook her head in disbelief before answering Kameela.

"He's only the love of my life. My soulmate." Kameela's eyes widen at Amina's statement.

"Mimi talks about boys? Wow!" Amina took her right hand away from the steering wheel and nudged Kameela before returning it to its former position.

"Let me repeat what I had already told since you didn't listen and you better open your ears cause I'm not going to repeat it." Playfully, Kameela took her hands to both her ears and lightly pulled her pinna to show Amina she was all ears.

"He was just simply my crush when I was in year 7 when he was in year 12. He was that senior that every girl had a crush on. He graduated that year and I never saw him again till when I was in university and he was doing his masters. You can even call it fate but then once again he left and we lost contact." Amina stopped to take a breathe before she glanced at Kameela.

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