How long - Part 2

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Hiii guys

Thank you so much for your votes and comments, I really really appreciate it!

I know a lot of you are very upset about the show ending. It definitely didn't reach its potential and it truly deserved a proper wrap up. 

I hope you guys will at some point be able to channel your frustration and sadness into something to cope with everything, as I do right now by writing. 

So, this is the second and last part of this story. 

I got a bit carried away and wrote more than I intended to. 

This is hopefully a little balsam for your souls. 


The day before:

The farewell party was about to end, there was lots of crying, but also lots of laughing and dancing, and alcohol - LOTS of it.

Zain was pretty drunk at this point and was dancing like a maniac trying to get over the fact that this truly was the end of such a long project. He had won so many memories and he wanted to forget what he was possibly going to lose them and that he won't be able to create more memories with the same people anymore. 

He saw how Aditi was already packing her things up and was about to start hugging everybody before leaving and that's when he thought that it's now or never.

Even in his intoxicated state, he managed to walk up to her with quick steps and grabbed her arm. "Can I talk to you for a second", he asked not looking at her and already dragging her to a place where they could talk in private. She let herself be dragged away with a confused look on her face.

When he found a place where he was sure that no one will come disturb them, he took hold of her arms and gently pushed her against the wall. "What's going on, Zain?", she asked confusion and concern written all over her face.

And suddenly the atmosphere changed around them. He sighed deeply, and his eyes were showing so much affection in them, she didn't realize that it was all directed towards her. 

"Are you going to disappear on me?", he asked, stepping closer to her so that she smelled the alcohol on his skin and breath. Shocked she looked into his eyes, not knowing where this was suddenly coming from. "No! why?", she asked, still confused but since she also had a few glasses of wine, her mind was not working accordingly.

"Because the show ended, and we won't see each other anymore", he mumbled and put his forehead against hers, hands grabbing her hips as if he was afraid that she'll walk away from him if he didn't hold her in place. Her breath caught up in her throat at the sudden proximity between them. And before she was able to say anything he said something that made her heart jump even more.

"I want to kiss you, so badly", he slurred, eyes fixated on her lips.

At first, she was staring up at him in total shock but then realized that he must have drunken a lot and that he was not in his right senses. So, she decided to play along with this, even though deep inside, she was hoping he would have said or done what he wanted a long time ago.

"No -  tha- that's not a good idea", she sighed and tried to get away from his hold. "Doesn't change the fact that I still want to", he babbled and shaking his head like a kid whose favorite toy was taken from him.

"Okay, let's do this. If you remember it, then come over to my place tomorrow, 24 hours from now. And I won't stop you if you still want to-" she stops looking at his face still inches away from hers. 

How long - Adiza two-shotWhere stories live. Discover now