Chapter 2: An Unexpected Phone Call

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I haven't talked to Gale for more than 10 years! Why call now?

"Hi." he says calmly as if we just saw each other yesterday. "Gale?" I say shocked. "Yup, hi, Katniss. Is it a wrong time? If it is I'll call again--." I cut him off mid sentence, "No. No. Now is a good time." I try to say as calmly as i can. "Oh, alright then. Anyways, i was wondering if I coud visit you sometime tomorrow with my family?" he says. His family? I've never seen his family before. Just the thought of it makes my mind wonder. "Hello?" Gale says and breaks my train of thought. "Umm, yah I'm still here." I reassure him. "So could we?" he asks again. "Sure, sure. Why not?"

Why not? I'll tell you why not. Peeta. I dont want to revive the feelings I had for them when I was 17.

For a while we have idle chit chat, about how's each other is doing and how life is for each other. I find out that he is married to a woman named Amirah and has a son. They live somewhere in District 2.

then at around quarter to 11, I put down the phone, and just in time since Peeta just came back. He first drops the things he bought on the table, walks to the kids and kiss their head then walks to me and gives me a long kiss. I couldve sworn I heard Rueress say "Ewww."

I lean away from him and think about how to tell him about Gale. So after a few minutes of silence, I finally speak up. Its now or never. I tell him about the call and how Gale is coming to visit. He shows no sign of emotion and just says: "Well, we better get ready." then he just walks up the stairs silently. I feel a little pang of guilt and I don't know why.

Is it because he thinks I still have feelings for Gale? No. He knows that I chose him. We toasted bread together. We beared two beautiful children. I go to the kitchen and decide to cook lunch. I wouldn't want to disturb Peeta.

I look at what's in the bag. I find a carton of eggs, a few sausages, two bottles of milk, some vegetables and fruits. I also saw some Vension steaks. I decide to make those.

As I wait for my steaks to cook, I help the children with their books and toys and bring them back to their room for a quick nap. I lay Cincree on his bed and tuck in Rueress. I kiss both of thieir foreheads gently. I go back down to the kitchen and quickly clean up and by the time I'm done, the steaks are too. I call them and we eat in silence for lunch. For supper we just eat what was left over and once again, eat in silence. This is very unusual, but then, it's Peeta who usually brings life to the table and right now, I see he's thinking. After we eat, I call the children for bathing and after, bathe myself in our own bathroom. After, I change into one of my favorite silk night gowns I lay down and wait for Peeta.

"Why are you so silent?" I ask him as he lays down and I'm nearly sure I just stopped his train of thought just as Gale did to me. "Nothing. Just thinking."

"About?" I ask and he hesitates.

"Come on. I'm your wife, you can tell me anything."

"I was just thinking about your phone call with Gale. I was umm..."

"Jealous?" I continue his sentence

"yah that's the word im looking for."

"Well don't be. You are the one I chose because you are that beautiful dandelion in the meadow." I say and I see just a little smile escape his lips

I know immediately that wasnt the complete truth but I don't question it. "Goodnight, Peeta." I tell him tiredly. "Goodnight, Katniss." he says then gently presses his lips against mine. I close my eyes and wake up to loud knocking.

I get up and change into a shirt, some old pants and my hunting jacket hurriedly.

"Gale?! What the?!" I whisper at Gale who is outside my front door in the cold December winds. He looks like he hasn't aged a bit. He's wearing a old white shirt with brown pants and old hiking boots.

"Sorry." he says remorsefully.

"What--" that was last thing i remember before a per of huge arms lock me in a head lock from behind and I pass out.

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