Leorio x Reader

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~Hanahaki Disease~

*Leorio's POV*

the sound of glass breaking, thuds and banging woke me as I shot up from bed and quickly headed out the room in a rush. 

"what's wrong?! a burglar?!" I yelled out and was ready to fight but only to find Gon and Killua running around while trying to throw stuff at each other but will only miss. I looked to Kurapika who was trying to stop them and looked like he could burst any moment.

and in 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1!

"STOP IT ALREADY BOTH OF YOU!! YOU'RE MAKING A LOT OF MESS!!!" he yelled that even my ears couldn't handle the loudness of his shout.

but thankfully the two kids stopped but just started to argue with words.

while they were busy arguing and Kurapika trying to calm them down, I tried to step in and help Kurapika.

"hey, guys it's still early in the morning so stop yelling at each other, please." I begged with an awkward laugh. 

"but Killua ate my most favorite food in the entire world and I couldn't just let it go!" Gon yelled pointing to Killua. 

"like I said! I didn't know it was your 'most favorite food in the entire world'! and plus you also ate the whole box of chocolate I saved for myself! I was trying to take revenge at least--!!!"

"GUYS!!!" I cut Killua off as both of them went silent. I sighed.

"We can cook you're dish again for you, Gon and we'll by another one of that chocolate of your's, Killua. got it both of you?" I planned and their eyes were filled with stars again. they nodded in response, filled with enthusiasm. 

I sighed in relief. 

"alright, now let me get my sle--" I was cut off with my cough as my knees went weak.

"Leorio!!" Gon called out and they went to my aid. 

I suddenly started coughing up blood and notice something pink with the blood. once I looked closely I realized what they were.

"flower petals?" Killua questioned. "Leorio.. do you have the Hanahaki Disease?" Kurapika asked but I didn't answer him.

"what?! Leorio! who is the girl? you have to tell her or you'll die!" Gon suggested. 

"no, I won't." I said. "why? just as like Gon said, you'll die if you won't!" Kurapika joined in but Killua just listened and didn't say anything else.

"it's useless! even if I do, she won't return the feelings." I stated and tried to stand. once I successfully stood I walked back to my room until,

"it's Y/n, isn't it?" Killua stepped in. 

"old man, you do know that Y/n is our closest friend so far. once she knows you died because of that disease she'll blame herself." he stated that confused me.

"what do you mean?" I asked as I looked over my shoulder. 

"just shut up and change. we'll take you to the hospital." he said and pushed me to my room. "wai- what are we gonna do there?!" I asked him again. 

"the rest of us are just gonna watch from afar while you try to tell her how you feel." he smirked and my eyes widened at what he said. 

"wai- what do you--!"

"like I said, 'just shut up and get changed'!!" he completely pushed me inside and slammed the door close. I just stared at nothing.

are you serious?!


a/n: there's a prt 2. 

sorry, I like making prt 2s ;p

anyways, I wonder what'll happen. will he die? or will the reader accept him?

meh, hope you enjoyed~!

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