Chapter 14: Pool of Blood

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P.S. This is dedicated to Kristen0315 (hope i spelled it right) because she sent me a message one day reminding me how she was glad i was her fan. I was so happy since she was one of my fans too that i decided, "Hey, i should update my story and dedicate it to her!" She is a good author too so please read some of her stories too!

The next few weeks had blurred by until there was one more week until Thanksgiving weekend. Everyone had plans to go back home, including me. Of course, I was just as excited as anyone else to see my friends and family.

Thankfully, the excitement of seeing my friends and dad distracted me from the issues between me and Blaze. Lately, we have been avoiding each other because all we would do when we saw each other was bicker back and forth. Although I have been bummed out about it—which didn't go unnoticed by Drake—I was still jumping with excitement to go back home for the weekend.

"Raven, do you mind telling me the difference between metaphase and anaphase?" my science teacher asked rudely, her dark green eyes narrowed into slits.

I looked at her sheepishly as I said, "They both have to do with genetics."

"And?" she urged.

"They both end in phase...?" I said, turning my statement into a question at the end.

A few students chuckled at my answer. In response, the teacher warned, "No more daydreaming, this is school. Now students, the genetic process of meiosis and mitosis both differ in many ways such as..."

How am I ever going to pass high school, I thought to myself with a groan as I slumped against the desk using my sweater as a head rest.

"And no sleeping, Raven," my teacher added in the middle of her lesson.

I rolled my eyes as I sat up, pretending to pay attention. Most of the time, teachers ignore me since I get decent grades but this teacher was an exception. The rest of the day flew by and before I knew it I was in my dorm finishing my homework.

Then, I heard a knock on my door.

I decided to be lazy and ignored whoever was knocking. Whoever was so excited to see me kept knocking and knocking until I finally groaned.

Pushing away the papers laid out in front of me, I stood up lazily and yanked the door open. "What could you possibly want?!" I asked rudely.

Drake stood there with his fist half way in the air in his navy blue sweater and dark loose jeans. He could tell how frustrated I was since my face was flushed with frustration. Who knew one day of not paying attention in science can screw me over and make me react like this.

When I realized who I was looking at, I calmed down slightly and muttered, "Oh it's you."

Rolling his eyes, he commented, "I always knew you loved me."

"Sure," I responded half-heartedly, allowing him inside. "So remind me why you were knocking obnoxiously on my door just a few seconds ago?"

He pursed his lips and shrugged. "I'm bored so I wanted to hang out."

I shook my head at his excuse. Didn't this guy have his own homework to do? For the past week he has been making random visits to my dorm when I'm halfway through with homework. Most of the time I finish after he leaves but lately homework has been piling up.

I mean, if Drake can finish his homework faster than me, then something must really be wrong with me.

Horrified by the thought of Drake being smarter than moi, I asked, "How do you finish your homework so quickly?"

He sheepishly admitted, "I don't do my homework."

I rolled my eyes, "Go figure. You know, you are never going to go through high school without doing homework."

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