221B ~ Under the Sea parody

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Lyrics by- BismillahYes
Tune- Under the Sea ~ The little mermaid


Abroad but without sunbathing,
I can see that from your tan.
At Barts you received your training,
Iraq or Afghanistan?

You want cheap accommodation,
But won't ask your relatives.
I know just the habitation
A better alternative

221B, 221B
Sharing a rental,
That's nice and central
Jut come and see!

Won't got to your brother for help
Don't really have anyone else.
When you've decided
Come and reside at

You have seen some things unpleasant,
During your time on the war.
A time you would miss in the present,
Would you like to see some more?

I do hope you like the violin,
It helps when I ponder clues.
And if you see me smiling,
A killer is on the lose!

221B, 221B,
You want the gore
And you won't be bored
When you live with me!

Sometimes I talk like mowers graze
Other times I won't talk for days
When the yard rings
Who wants to stay in 221B?

Help with my clients
When they are reliant
On my expertise!

Goo you're acclimatised to dread
So you can handle severed heads.
Things that you may see
When you come stay in 221B!

The patch helps me hatch,
The dust is a must.
The skull is not dull,
In him you can trust.

The sheet is so neat,
The head is so dead.
The air is so very lame

Inhaling is fail
The thumbs are for fun,
The wall has the gall.
Can I use your gun?

You paws off my drawers,
I sort for a cause.
Now let's get on with the game!


221B, 221B!
Upstairs' a room,
That you can assume,
I'll get you your key!

There's no more shaking of your wrist,
And your limp does no longer exist.
Plenty of space,
In this little place o 221B!

Smokes I consume,
I hide in my shoe in 221B!

Won't need your cane here,
There's no more pain here,
Who cares for prattle,
When there's a battle?

When there is a murder
You're glad you heard of

A/N- Just saying, if you are ever going to make a music video please paste the lyrics in the comments below!

-CR out!

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