Chapter One; Dreams

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A small boy walked through his small town, a smile on his face.

It was the first time his father let him explore alone! And he was so excited!

The boy was only around the age of six at the time and was almost always smiling.

His hair was a messy black, with a single blue streak. His eyes shined a blue, and his two front teeth where gone.

The boys clothes where too big, and muddy, but that didn't change anything.

He walked through the village, and made his way to the forest. He giggled as a raccoon ran through the treetops, followed by a baby raccoon.

He walk for sometime until he found something...

A rock...

It was blue...

And calling his...


The boy looked around quickly, the sky turned dark, clouds formed, the wind picked up and the ground started to shake.


Fear started to swirl in the air around him. The moon started to shine upon the rocks.


He felt himself shake...

He felt himself scream...



his name broke through, and a now 13 year old boy awoke, with an older man, his Father, shaking him awake.

"D-Dad!" The boy turned to him, breathing hard.

"What happened?" The boy- Varian, asked, not remembering his dream cried.

"You had a nightmare son" Varians father; Quirin answered.

"I- I don't remember it..." the boy breathed.

"It's alright, get some rest, I'll see you in the morning" the older man ruffled his sons hair, and left with a smile.

Varian sighed, then curled back up in bed...


Quirin was fast asleep... the night air was cold and silent...

Then something woke the older man up...


Quirin knew that shout, that voice. It was his son.

The man bolted out of bed, and ran down the hall, busting into Varians room.

He found that his son left his window open, the moon was shining in, landing on him, changing his midnight black hair a shining white with blue.

Quirin quickly covered the window, and started to shake the boy awake, it took a few moments, but the boy shot awake.

"D-Dad!" He breath hard.

"What Happened?" Varian cried.

"You had a nightmare, son" Quirin replied.

"I- I don't remember it..."

Quirin sighed, this always happened when the moon light hit his boy, the memory loss seemed to be a side effect...

After seeing Varian sad look, he decided to deal with it in the morning.

"It's alright, get some rest, I'll see you in the morning"

Chapter end

What are your thoughts on the first chapter?

Also, I made him 13, so this would be before Repunsel was rescued!

*when your plotting your evil mystory story's, and everyone will be asking questions*

Should I continue making chapters?

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