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(Y/N) 18 years old
Why everything needs to end this way!!!! why? why? first I lost her and now Im holding my dying dear brother in my arms after he fought someone powerful.


(Y/N):*of course* brother *cries to his chest.


(Y/N):Adam? how he looks like? *sobs*

Sasuke:he...Has....Red...Hair...Sorry..This....The...Only thing...I can describe about him

(Y/N):okay *sobs*

Sasuke:(Y/N)....You....Need....TO.....Take......My eyes

(Y/N):What!!! why?!! *sobs*

Sasuke:After You have....This eyes....You can be...More powerful..And....im gonna die anyways.

(Y/N): okay!!!! but please let me cherish the last momments I have with you.

Sasuke:*forces to smile* Got it brother.....I need to do...One last...Important...Thing

(Y/N):what is it?


(Imagine that you're sasuke and sasuke are itachi in this gif)

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(Imagine that you're sasuke and sasuke are itachi in this gif)

Then he fells to the ground lifelessly.I tried waking him up but it was useless as he has gone to a better place.I looked at him and I remembered all the times he used to poke my forehead.

(Y/N):I want that ice cream *coughs*

Sasuke:Nooo brother you're not doing well

(Y/N):pretty please*shows puppy eyes*

Sasuke:*smiles* *kneels down to your level* *pokes your forehead* sorry but some other time okay?

(Y/N):*rubs forehead* jeez fine *pouts*

Another flashback
(Y/N):*lies down* *pants* your training was tiring

Sasuke:In order to get stronger,you need to *pokes your forehead* get stronger

(Y/N):*smiles you're right

Flashback ended
I took my brothers blade and went for a journey,finding this Adam Torchwick guy.If I see him,im gonna make him suffer.I took my brother's eyes and I use em.Wow This power,I felt so much good but it hurts my heart so much.I don't know why but I won't let my brother's death be useless....

Timeskip brought to you by (Y/N) killing all people for 7 years that worked for Adam and ask them but they were loyal enough to give out their lifes for their leader.

I was looking at a jewely shop from a vantage point.I think this is where his gonna hit it.Someone told me that Roman,Adam's follower is gonna hit on this shop so if I caught him,I can torture him to get the information I need.Suddently the alarm went off,How?!!! I didn't even saw him walk in.Tch his pretty good.I saw him running with a bag with a pink and brown haired girl.Its time to act.I got down and threw shirikens at those two causing them to stop on their tracks.Roman peered at me as I opened up my clock revealing my face.

(Y/N):You don't know me but if you want to live,better drop the bags and surrender yourselves.

Roman:Hhahahah like you can stop us!! Neo!!!!

Suddently Neo rushed me with her umbrella but I dodge it with ease and create multiple shadowclones and attack her.She managed to hold off my shadow clones.I attack her with my brother's blade multiple times and then I shot fireballs at her causing her clothes to burnt a bit.I smirked and rushed her again but she managed to dodge it and reiforcements comes in.I slowed down and look at this easy preys.Suddently,a red haired girl slice half of the prey with her sythe.Nice I also got back up I guess? I rushed at the other half to help her out.I use chidori to kill those remaining.Chidori,everytime I use it,I kept on remembering him.

(Y/N):You know I can take care of this right?

Red haired girl:Yeah I know but I want to join in!!!

(Y/N):*laughs* "hyperactive"

Suddently I saw Roman was taking off but I ain't letting thay happend.


I lit his airship with my enternal black flames called amaterasu

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I lit his airship with my enternal black flames called amaterasu.lucikly for him,he got off before the flame got him.He then made a run for it.I was about too chase him but the last jutsu took a lot from me.I simply had a hard time to move but the red haired girl helphed me

(Y/N):chase after him!!!!

Red haired girl:Nooo!!! you are more important

(Y/N):Tchh,anyways because of your idiotic action to help me,Might as well get to know with each other

Ruby:Jeez calling me an idiot *pouts*,my name's Ruby Rose but call me Ruby.Yours?

(Y/N):*smiles* Im (Y/N) *sits down*

???:My my my I seen you two fight and you two have potential.Mind joining my academy,Beacon?

(Y/N) and Ruby:*looks behind* Beacon!!!?

To be continued

MY CHILDHOOD FRIEND,MY RIVAL AND MY LOVE (Pyrrha X Uchiha Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now