Prologue: Alone

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(A/N Hello there! I'm SpoonsAndCarrots, and I have decided to start writing another book, aka, this one. I will be writing this while also working on Leaving Dreamland, so bear with me. The updates might be slow because my main focus is on Leaving Dreamland, as it is entered in the Watty Awards, and I need to work on finishing it. I will try and work on it as much as I can, though! 

Also, I dedicated this chapter to Elisakat for the amazing cover! :) Thank you so much!

Anyways, hope you enjoy this! Don't hesitate to vote, comment, and fan :) Lots of love, SpoonsAndCarrots)

Friday, July 23, 2010, 11:46pm

Doncaster, South Yorkshire

I sat on the squeaky, uncomfortable cot, staring at the chipped paint on the opposite wall. The dim light on the ceiling flickered, threatening to go out and leave me in the dark. I sighed, lying down to try and relax for a bit. I really had nothing better to do. I was just waiting for Lou to call, text, Skype, or anything else of that nature. Just something so I could know what had happened today. Had he made it through? I really had no idea, as I didn't have a TV to watch the show.

I closed my eyes, huffing out an exausted breath. Suddenly, a loud, irritating noise blared from outside, and the room started to shake. I was so used to it by now, I didn't even flinch. I got up and looked out the grimy window, and sure enough, there was a train rushing by at full speed on the tracks that were just meters away from the spot where I was standing. Honestly, I hated the damn apartment, but it was all I could afford on my minimum wage salary.

I went to go back and sit down on the cot, but a ding from my laptop stopped me. I went over to the small wooden desk to check it and found that a small pop-up window had appeared.

"Incoming Video Call From: Boobear<3"

My face instantly brightened up as I read the small words on the screen, and I quickly sat down in the desk chair and clicked the 'accept' button. The screen went black for a second, but after a moment a smiling face stared back at me, his chestnut brown hair hanging just low enough to cover his eyebrows.

"Hey babe," he said, grinning at me.

"Hey Boo, what's up?" I asked, smiling at the beautiful blue-eyed boy on my computer screen that I was so glad to call my boyfriend.

"Nothin' much," he said, sighing in mock boredom.

"Okay, just cut the bullshit and tell me what happened," I said, rolling my eyes at him.

"Well, I don't know if you heard this yet, but..." he trailed off, leaving me waiting in anticipation.

"But...?" I prompted him. When he didn't continue, I spoke again. "Dammit, Louis, just tell me already!"

"Alright, alright, calm down Stella!" Louis sighed dramatically. " Well... just a few hours ago... I got put in a band."

"Really?!" I asked, both excited for him and confused at the same time. "But... wait, how did that work out? You tried out as a solo arist, didn't you...?"

He chuckled. "Well, yeah, I did, but I ended up getting sent home with a bunch of other guys. Just as all of us were about to leave to go back home, Simon called five of us back in the room. He told us we were too good to send home, and that we were going to be formed into a band to perform with the 'groups' catagory." He paused, and I could tell that he was thinking about the memory again, because he smiled sweetly. "You don't know how amazing it felt to be given another chance after you think everything's over."

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