Ex boyfriends fiancé||D.Luh p.2

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"Are you sure you want to go?" I ask Tommy.

"Babe, I'm go if you want to. It doesn't seem like you want me to go." He says. I kiss him. "I want you to go, I do. It's just the first time you're going to meet all my friends." I say.

"I've meet you're brother and he loves me. I know Derek and his girlfriend are going to be there, I talked with Lany." He says.

"You're the first guy I've introduced them to after Derek, I'm just a little scared." I say.

"Y/n so am I. I'm scared of you running away and taking my heart along the way, shattering it into pieces." He says looking into my eyes.  I kiss him once again. "Lets go show you off." I say giving him a grin. "Lets go show me off." He smiles.

I drive us to Lanys place. She's throwing off a summer party to start off the summer. I park the car, Tommy and I make our way to her place hand in hand. "I'm a bit nervous." Tommy says. I look up and him, since he's taller than I am, I do tiptoes and kiss my mans. "You got me, so you win." I say making him smile. "Yeah I so totally win." He says. I lead him in and I great some people. "Hey" Lany comes and greets us. "Hey Lany." I give her a smile. "Hey." Tommy greets us. "So you guys could go in the pool or eat, enjoy yourselfs." She says leading us in a bit more.

"Do you want to do the pool?" He asks.

"I wouldn't want to miss looking at your gorgeous body, now would I?" I say smiling. He kisses me. "You're so cute." He says smiling. "You can thank my parents for that." I say cheekily. I peck his lips. "You guys can use my room to change." Lany says handing me her key. "Thank you, and let's go and change inside." I say leading him inside Lany house. We go in her room and quickly change. "I so won't regret going into the pool with my hot mans." I say. We fold our clothes and leave them in Lany's room. We make our way downstairs and into the pool. I hand Lany her key before we go in.

"Who let you look so cute mans?" I ask him

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"Who let you look so cute mans?" I ask him. "I think you did." He says and pulls me into a kiss. I'm sitting on the edge of the pool letting my feet dangle in the water, he's standing in the water. "You're so cute mi vida." He says smiling. "That's all you." I say. Some of the boys join us and officially meet Tommy, we play a game of volleyball in the water. Tommy and I are on opposing teams. It's girls vs boys and the girls are winning. We beat them and I swim to him. "Take that loser." I say was I get close to him. "I can take all of that" he says before pulling me into a kiss. I wrap my legs and arms around him. I pull away from the kiss smiling like an idiot. I spot Anna checking my mans out. "We have Anna check you out." I say and tug on his earlobe. His hands slip to my bottoms. "Yeah well we have your ex watching you." He says. I pull away a bit and kiss him passionately, I nibble on his bottom lip. "I don't care, I have a mans I admire and whose the best man I could have." I say. We get out of the pool and go eat, we're all sitting in a table. Derek and Anna are sitting.

"So how did you and Y/n meet?" Anna asks Tommy. He has a hand on my lap and he gives me a squeeze making me smile.

"We met officially met through a mutual friend at the gym." He says giving me a smile.

"Basically saying he was checking me out while I was working out." I say teasingly. "Partly true." He says and pecks my lips. "I had seen her in events but I never got to meet her officially, she was friends with Rain and he finally introduced us when we went to gym, and we hit it off and then we just began to see each other." He says says looking at me the whole time. "You're so adorable." I say.

"You guys are cute, don't you agree babe?" Ana asks Derek. "Yeah. I'm glad you guys are happy." He says giving me a smile.

"So I heard from Nord that you guys are going to Boston to meet the parents." Hayes says.

"True, but I've already met the wonderful mother, who raised my kind mans." I say, and turn to admire my mans.

"You've met each other's parents?" Tez asks.

"Yes, we've met the parents and the whole family. The uncles tease me." Tommy says. "Speaking Spanish is an advantage." Tommy says.

"You're latino?" Tez asks.

"No I'm Brazilian, I speak Portuguese and Spanish." He says.

"You like your man how you like your coffee." Lany says making me blsuh.

"He's great guys. Are we now done with the interrogation?" I ask.

"One more questions." Sam says. "Are kids in the future plans?" Sans asks.

"With her Definitely, I want everything with her." Tommy says making the girls awe. Thankfully my girls didn't asked many questions, they know Tommy and know he's good and has good intentions with me. He treats me well, especially at night in bed.

"Okay interrogation is over." Sam announces making us laugh. I lean on Tommy and we all talk about things.

Hope you enjoy, guys I began tho summer program and it's okay.
Updated: June 22, 2018

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