Shouto Todoroki

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It had been quite a strange surprise to find the class' bi-haired beauty wandering up to your desk. Not that you were in any mind to complain, of course, but your first and only interaction had been months ago. Scanning his mismatched features, you noted the glimmer of confusion lying beneath his eyes. It elicited certain bundles of nerves to tingle within your system.

His charming orbs never rose to meet yours – they remained trailed on the ground in conflicted resignation. The posture he possessed reminded you vaguely of those old romance movies, where the protagonist fails to correctly identify their feelings. You nearly laughed at the thought; it was barbaric.

Anyone with half a brain knew that, while Todoroki had recently begun opening up, his interest in romance was still non-existent.

You could have sighed, or mourned the loss of the one thing you never managed to obtain, but he was heading in your direction. Although his movements were slow, almost sluggish, he seemed to be fighting off the urge to turn around and meander back to his own desk. Amused, you marked your page and gently settled down the book. Now this was interesting. You wanted to call out to him – make him aware of your gaze.

But you didn't.

Truth be told, this was really floating your goat. Honestly, how adorable did he have to be? He probably wouldn't have approved of that particular adjective, so you elected not to let it abandon your lips. There was no-one else around, as you glimpsed nineteen empty seats (they swapped you for Mineta).

Finally, after what you wagered was an awful lot longer than necessary, the beautiful boy approached your desk.

Playing with a smile, you greeted him. "Hiya Todoroki."

A simple nod followed, and an uncomfortable silence ensued. It clung to the ceiling like stalactites, which you supposed was more than appropriate, given his quirk. Not wishing to allow the progression of this wordless atmosphere, you once again attempted to strike up a conversation.

" don't generally talk to anyone who's not Midoriya. Did you need something?"

A bashful expression adorned his face, and you had to physically reign yourself in, or else you were likely to smother him.

"You..." He paused, searching for the right words. "You appear in my dreams...sometimes."

He added the ending once it dawned on him just how unsettling that actually sounded. Needless to say, he hadn't properly planned this out. He observed the endearing way in which you raised your brow – a silent instruction to continue. He gulped, trying to compose himself.

"We're...intimate. We have two children: a girl and a boy. We live together, and we kiss. A lot."

That was certainly plenty to process.

Your perplexed appearance must have made him both anxious and regretful, because he lowered his head and started fidgeting. Despite this, something wouldn't permit him the satisfaction of leaving. Perhaps it was this unknown emotion, threatening to tear his heart in two. He wallowed in apprehension, awaiting your words.

Warm hands caressed his cheeks tenderly, forcing him to gaze upon your person. You wore a pleased expression, almost as if you weren't surprised. Todoroki willed himself to jerk backwards, but he couldn't. An invisible entity was eradicating his control over the situation – he was completely at your mercy.

Bringing your face up to meet his, you whispered, "Like this?"

Your lips connected softly, in an extremely chaste kiss. When you detached, his features were blossoming, and he swiftly moved to cover his crimson face. In response to your previous enquiry, he shook his head. The action was slight, but you noticed.

You dragged your lips across his pale skin, stopping only to nibble on his earlobe as a gesture of affection.

Softly, you commanded, "Show me how."

[Word Count: 635]

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