Chapter 4

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The girl in the corner of the classroom, head on her desk, hoodie pulled over her head. That was her.

The boy across the class staring at her, he didn't like her the way she liked him and he had no intention on committing to her.

But she didn't know.

Over a course of a week some where around there that boy realized she'd do anything for him.

She's vulnerable.

Perhaps I can't blame him. He didn't make her snap a picture of her naked state and press send.

No. She did that.
So it's her fault.

They dated for 9 months off and on.

He cheated, she forgave. Over and over.

She made him a scrap book, filled with photos of them together, love notes on the side, stupid memories.

As she held it in her hands, on his birthday.

He broke up with her.

And just like that she experienced the heartbreak of a toxic relationship.

No one ever reads my crap.
It's okay ig,
Feeling depressed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2018 ⏰

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