Chapter one

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You wouldn't believe it if I told you it happened. A double life was what you could only read about.  Only in movies and books. But for me now it was my reality.  Getting married like the rest of my friends wasn't on  my list. Not my forte.  I graduated form beauty school and opened my own salon. Three years in I was a well known beautician. My clients were well know celebrities. I made a good name for my self . Huge house in Venice beach,  nice car and time to kill today.  I pulled up to my shop and looked over the schedule. 12 people. One of my girls was out sick so I needed to pull my weight and just pick up then slack  .I turned on the lights and got everything ready. Hours passed by and my first customer walked in. Oh my lord!  A drop dead gorgeous man hazel eyes brown hair that fell over his eyes.  Built like a god body.  And he was with a chick. Typical perfect 10 chick. Blonde hair flawless and she spoke. Her " hello I'm here for my 10 am appointment? ".  I shook her hand and brought her to the chair.  Me" do you have an idea how you would like it done today? ".   Her" just add some honey and dark brown highlights that what my fiance loves on me don't you honey? ".  She looked over to him and smiled.  He looked up and nodded his head.  She looked in the mirror and smiled. Me" I'm Julie by the way I will be doing your hair today ".  She laughed and said " that's nice ".  Well then. I looked over to her man and he glanced up to me and I forgot what she had said.  I finished her hair hours later and she pulled out her credit card I scanned it.  Me". it says its declined ". She got pissed and looked at her man and said " That's messed up... oh well Shannon will pay for it huh? You always buy me everything anyways". He looked at me and said " yea.....well".  He handed me his card and my hand brushed against his. I felt chills. My hair stood up and we looked at each other and he smiled. Chick" um..... he's mine can you like hurry up and run it? ".   I slid the card and it went through .  She grabbed it from me and walked away from us. Chick " time to take me shopping baby cmon".  As she stepped outside the door he said " I'm sorry for her attitude, thank you for today".   Me" its ok. I'm used to chicks like her. ". He smiled and said" I might see you again ". I my cheeks blush and then I realized he meant for his hair. Me" have a good day " He smiled since more and said" you too . When he left,  I got ready for my next client. 

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