"Gone Together" chapter 6

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          Hmmmm. I wonder what Gorilla and Aaron have planned for us today.

Hopefully some food. I pat my gurgling stomach. Good thing Koby and I were smart enough to gulp water from the bathtub the other day during our concequence.

At least we wont die of dehydtarion.

I need another nickname for him.

Aaron has short brown hair, brownish-yellow eyes, and a fat face. He looks nothing like me, despite the fact that he happens to be my father. I have strawberry-blonde hair and icey blue eyes. My face is round, but NOT fat like his. Hmm. He kinda reminds me of a monkey, but thats too much like gorilla.

Hmmmm. For now i guess I'll just call him creature. Emphasis on the word creature. Haha. I mean really, it's the only thing that can describe a person like him. Creeper, kidnapper, failure of a father, disgusting, mean old creature.

My thoughts are disturbed my the sound of my stomach grumbling. I can actually feel the vibration.

Is it even possibe to survive this long without food? Not water because I had some yesterday. But seriously, when are they gonna feed us? I havent eaten for a week! COME ON HERE PEOPLE!!!

Then I see somthing slide under the door.

Is that two slices of bread? Bread! Oh my gosh, BREAD!!


I run up to the door, not stopping until my head slams into the door frame. I barely notice the throbbing pain.

FOOD!!! I grab a peice of bread. I was about to shove it in my mouth when I have a thought.

Wait. I probably shouldn't scarf this down like theres no tomorrow, even though there might not be onless they give me some protein. But at least i have some food.

I rip off a peice and eat it, chewing slowlly. It's extremely hard to chew slowly when your about to die of starvation. It's actually taunting. Before I know it, my entire peice is gone.

I was about to eat the other peice when I had another thought.

What about Koby? Shoot!!! Koby. This is for him.

I slide over and roughly shake him awake.

"Koby! Koby! wake up! they finally decided to give us a snack!" At the word snack, his eyes bolt open Like window shades.

"Snack?!? where where where?!?" he asks like a little kid who was just told there was candy in the house.

I hold the bread up to his face. His eyes imediatly seem a shade lighter. Its amazing how food is effecting us today.

Without a word, he yanks it out of my hand with his teeth and scarfs it down before I have time to breath.

So much for not eating like theres no tomorrow.

"More?" he asks like a child who doesn't know the english language yet.

"no. There was only two peices." I grunt unhappily.

Stupid people can't even give us more than a slice of bread each. How about some peanut butter, or even just some more bread?! They must be stupid. Obviously, they don't know anything about science, or they might realize what the human body needs to survive. I mean come on! Everybody knows that!

He frowns.

" I think there trying to starve us..."

Sighing, I reply, " I think your right."


 I remember my mom once tought me a song. Or i guess it could be a poem. But anyways, it was about kidnapping. She would sing it to me trying to scare me into keeping safe. It applies so well to my situation now.

There are people out there,

But only they know where.

They might be watching you from a tree,

Cops may be chasing them as they flee.

Waiting for you to come by,

They keep out their watchful eye.

Grabbing you off the street,

Not feeding you much to eat.

Trapped in a dark basement,

To struggle till' you finally relent.

You will be very luck,

If you manage to break free.

I didn't even realize I had been singing it out loud.

" where did you hear that?" Koby asks.

" My mother tought me it when I was little. She used it to try and keep me at home so I wouldn't get kidnapped."

"wow." he says. " that really sounds like our situation now..."

" doesn't it?"


                                            END OF CHAPTER 6. please comment and vote!!! :)

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