Chapter 18

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Miami's POV

When I got that text, I couldn't believe Kylie. How could she? She knows full well how bad being a teen mom is. I was one before... but my daughter had passed from SIDS. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. I had found Lilly in her crib, cold and unmoving. I had sunk into a severe depression for a few months. Well, more than a few months. It was little more than a year. But I moved on. Life keeps going, right? So I had found Lauryn first, and we were best friends for the rest of high school and until now, when we're a year away from graduating college. Senior year of high school, Lauryn and I became best friends with Kylie and Aubree. But their friendship was rocky. Why they were best friends, I'm not sure. And now we're here. I found Jerome, and I'm getting pretty close with him. He's taking me on another date tonight. I'm excited. I think he's taking me for dinner, but I'm not sure. He said dress casual, so I put on a Jack Daniel's barbecue sauce shirt on and some ripped capris. Yah, I'm pretty good. Soon Jerome knocks on the door. He takes me back to his car, and we drive off on our date.


(A/N: I'm not gonna write about the date, I just wanted a POV of every female character. Kay? Kay.)


*4 Months Later*


Third Person POV

Aubree and Mitch have gone forward with their relationship a lot. Miami and Jerome are a couple now. Kylie is still having nothing to do with anyone of the group. She's essentially going through with this on her own. Lauryn and Ian have gone forward also.


Aubree's POV

With one last critical hit, Mitch is dead. His character explodes, leaving his loot behind. "YASSS! I WON DA HUNGA DEENS!" I yell. Miami laughs and everyone types 'GG' in the chat. "Well guys, that's it for today's episode! Be sure to slap dat like button wit cho forehead! BAI doods, take care." Mitch finishes and we stop the recording. All of a sudden I feel a wave of fatigue hit me. "I'm going to go take a nap..." I said. I feel so weak, but I log off the Skype call and lay on my bed. I fall asleep almost instantly.

When I wake up, Mitch is sleeping beside me, back to me. I look at the time, and it's almost 3am. I'm beginning to be a little worried. I open the WebMD app and go to the symptom checker. Weakness, fatigue, vomiting, loss of appetite, weight loss... I click the 'Find Condition' button and on the top of the list, it says Pancreatic Cancer. I start crying as I click on it and read the symptoms: "In its early stages, pancreatic cancer may not cause symptoms. When the cancer grows larger, you may notice dark urine, pale stools, and yellow skin and eyes. These are symptoms of jaundice. Other symptoms include nausea and vomiting, weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, and stools that float in the toilet, and pain in the upper part of your abdomen or the middle of your back in advanced pancreatic cancer." I have all of those symptoms... I shake Mitch awake and tell him what I typed in, then showed him the screen. "We're taking you to the hospital. Now." He gets up and puts a shirt on, while I try to at least make my hair somewhat presentable. We get in his car and drive to the hospital that my mom doesn't work at. I don't want her to freak out yet. We went up to the front desk and Mitch said frantically, "We think she has pancreatic cancer. Where do we go?!" The lady looks surprised and says, "Go down that hall and talk to the ladies at the nurse's station." We nod and give our thank you's, then run down there. Mitch asks the same question, and the lady gets on the phone. A doctor comes down the hall and asks, "Mitchell Hughes and Aubree Marks?" We nod and he motions for us to follow. He sits us in a room and asks me to fill out a form about my health and other stuff. Then the doctor performs a few tests and leaves. I get off the table and sit by Mitch. "I'm scared. You know pancreatic cancer has the least survival rate, right?" I look up at him, tears forming in my eyes. He looks down at me and I can see them in his eyes too. His face looks pained. "I can't lose you." He says, pulling me into a hug. I cry into his shirt and he holds me close. The doctor comes back in and says, "We're running the tests. You may go home if you like and we'll call you later with the results, Aubree." I nod and say thanks while Mitch gets up. We go outside and get in the car, and drive home.


Sad times. :( And also this story is going to end soon. D: Yah even worse! But there will be a sequel. So yah! :D Happy times! Also, I should clarify, Aubree and Mitch are living together, as are Lauryn and Ian. KAY? KAY! Bye mah Skellys!

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