Chapter 9

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[ James Bay - Wild Love]


When I woke up this morning, I felt weak and I don't know what is wrong with my body. It's been three days I feel like this. Now, I'm in the girl changing room because I have gym class now. I change my clothes to sports attire and after a few minutes, I'm done. Usually, I always look forward to the gym class because of me and Piper always ran away from the activity and sit under the tree. We never got detention by doing it which is fun to do it. Now, everything change. I have to play whatever the teacher asks the whole class to do. I don't like to play volleyball and today, the teacher tells that we're going to play it.

"Looks like someone is alone here." I turn my head to see Betty and Piper stand next to me. I didn't say anything because it just useless to talk to people like them. For the past few months, since me and Piper were no longer friends, she and Betty seems so inseparable. I always saw they both together and I think Betty dumps her two minions because they didn't stick with her since she has Piper with her.

"Why don't you talk back? Cat got your tongue?" I sighed and still stay in silent.

"Piper, I think she's mute now. So let's just go away from here because I don't like to be with girl like this." Betty said.

"Yeah me too. Especially when she's a whore's daughter." They laugh abd walk away. Then, what Piper said just now got my attention. Whore's daughter? How dare she said like that! She didn't even know my mom! I feel so mad at her but I just keep quiet because I don't want to deal with some stupid stuff like that.

"Okay every body! Gather up. So today we're going to play volleyball and I'm going to divide you into group." The teacher said. I'm okay as long as I don't get the same team as Betty and Piper.

Just when the teacher said one by one the students name, she was distracted by the doctor that work at our school clinic. I look at my shoes because I'm so bored no one to talk too. "Ms. Nelson." I put my head up and look at the teacher. "You need to be in the clinic now." I raised my eyebrows and look at the doctor.

"O-okay then." I said and follow the doctor to the clinic. I'm so relieved because at least I can skip this class and don't have to play that stupid volleyball. "Why you want to meet me?" I ask as soon as we're arrive at the school clinic. When she open the door, I see my dad.

"Dad? What are you doing here?" I hug him and this getting real weird now. I take my next to my dad and just wait until the doctor open her mouth to speak.
"I know this is all out of sudden. I'm sorry Mr. Nelson but I think Adrienne going to need you after she heard what I'm going to say." She said.

"What it is about doctor?" My dad ask.

"I did some check up on Adrienne yesterday due of her sickness yesterday. When I took her blood and bring it to the hospital, I got something. Here... "She hands my dad a file and my dad open it immediately. I take a look at it. What's wrong with me?? Is there any problem with my health? I feel scared out of the sudden.

"Pancreatic cancer?" That's all my dad said. I was shocked when my dad said like that. "You mean, my daughter here have a c-cancer?" What? No way!

"Yes Mr. Nelson. You daughter have pancreatic cancer stage two. Its still in an early stage. We still can prevent it. I'll give your appointment for your next appointment at the hospital." She said and I still in awe. Me? Have a cancer? No...

"Adrienne? Are you okay?" My dad ask.

"Dad..." I said and then burst into tears. I can't help it but cry because I don't want to die and leave my dad alone in thia world.

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