Can't Escape

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Avery's POV

"The winner is... Ave-Emm-Avery" Liam says. We jump in joy and start dancing our crazy winning dances.

"We won we won we won!" I shout while doing my touchdown dance.

"Liam can you explain your thinking process please." Emma asked through her teeth.

"Sure Harry's outfit choice was better than Louis' there for they won and you didn't. Is that better?" Liam asked cracking a smile.

I died laughing then went into my bathroom and cleaned all my make up off my face. Finally I am freckles free. I go back to my dressing room and put my other clothes back on. I put my hair up. I walked to the kitchen to see everyone eating. "I am going to go get the mail." I grabbed a banana and walked out side. The sun was blocked by a few clouds and it was pretty muggy. I sang quietly as I hurried down my driveway.

I open the purple mail box to see about 20 envelopes, and three magazines. I look through the envelopes to find 15 anonymous letters to me and five letters to Emma. I walk to Emma's room and drop the envelopes on her desk then headed to my desk. I opened up my email to see that I have 32 New messages. I knew what they were going to say. I sigh as My hand starts to tremble as I start to open them, even though I know I shouldn't when everyone is here.

Harry's POV

"Where is Aves?" I ask.

"She said she was getting the mail." Niall said with a mouthful of food.

"Ya, but that was like 17 minutes ago. Does it take her that long?" I asked Emma

"Not usually." She replied

"Since I am done eating I will go look for her upstairs." I suggested and started up the stairs.I knocked on her closed door.

"One second!" I heard her shout.

I heard shuffling and a bang. Anyway soon I heard her yell for me to come in. "Hey I was just wonde-are you crying?" I ask seeing her puffy red eyes.

She shook her head, "No um I fell when I was coming down my loft and it hurt, but I am fine really." I gave her a disapproving look and she smiled. It looked a little fake, but I didn't push it. "What is on the agenda for the day?" Did she just changes the subject?

Avery's POV

When I heard a knock at the door I shoved the half-opened envelopes in my now occupied drawer then slammed it. I wiped the tears coming down my face and yelled for whoever was at the door to come in. I came face to face with Harry. "Hey I was just wonde-are you crying?" He asked with worry in his eyes.

Time to lie, again, I really hate lying, but I don't want One Direction finding out anything about me and the bullying situation, "No um I fell when I was coming down from my loft and it hurt, but I am fine really," I gave a fake smile and changed the subject, "What is on the agenda for the day?" He gave me a disapproving look, but didn't push anything.

"I don't know love, but let's find out what the others are planning." We walked down stairs to see everyone taking on the couch, except Niall who was eating in the Kitchen. I sat down on the couch getting worried looks from the others, but I shrugged them off. They got the point and thankfully didn't push it.

"Aves have you been crying?" Niall asked coming back from his food trip and sat next to me.

I look up from playing a game on my phone, 'No Nialler I just fell when I was getting down from my loft but I am fine now." I smiled.

"HOLY CATS!!!" Emma shouted, making all of us jump.


"It's almost 1 and I have to get to work at 1:30. Hate to break it to you guys, but I have to go get ready for work." She then raced up stairs to get ready. She left a few minutes later.

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