Chapter 2

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The day at the beach was so much fun. We just joked around, talked a lot and played with a frisbee. Then Louis and Zayn wanted to go bungeejumping, but we were too afraid for that. So we just waited at the beach, reading magazines and taking pictures of us. We also took pictures of Zayn & Louis bungeejumping. When they were back we asked a little girl to take a picture of us four, standing in front of the sea. The result: a genius and likeable picture of us. 

When we were back, Louis and Zayn wanted to rest a bit because they got headache of the bungeejumping. So Claudia and I went to the swimming pool and the beach bar. We ate something, talked again, and at the swimmingpool we had a lot of fun. Two .... well just NOT goodlooking guys tried to get us and flirted around way too much. So much that Claudia started giggling. When she starts, it's almost impossible not to go with her so we just laughed.

*flash forward, 2 weeks later*

You had 3 more days left here, but you enjoyed these weeks so much. The days went really fast because it was so much fun. You enjoyed every single second. You noticed Louis had a crush on you but you didn't know if you even loved him. Well, actually you liked him a lot, maybe even more than just liking, but you just flirted around a bit. But hey that's what every girl does in summer when she has the opportunity, right?! ;)

--- 23.04pm ---

As Louis and Claudia went to the beach bar to get some ice cream, Zayn asked me to come over for a while. I didn't know what to expect as I hadn't been alone with him for that long these weeks, but I went. I mean, ofcourse I went. He was such a nice, kind and caring guy.

As their towels were drying outside, Zayn took his varsity jacket and put it on the ground. "We can lay down & just have a little talk on this, if you want to?" he asked.

"Uhm yeah sure" I replied and laid down, so closely next to him.

"So... Tell me something about you?" Zayn asked.

"Uhm... I don't know what to tell? Maybe just ask me a question then?" I said.

"Oh yeah sure uhm... Are you single?"

"Yes.. You?"

"Yeah me too"


"Your turn babe" 

"No my question was if you were too... It's your turn bro..!" I replied.

"Oh ok ermm... How many boyfriends have you already had?"

"3... Last one 5 months ago. You then?"


"Haha well I don't know.. Girlfriends otherwise"

"Haha it's okay I understand, was just.... a bad joke. But I've had two girlfriends before."


Then there was an awkward silence, which lasted quite a long time.

"Look at the stars..." Zayn said as he pointed at one.

"They're so beautiful..." I replied.

"I know. Just like you..."

"I'm not beautiful"

"What?! Babe you're one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen in my life! How can you say you're not beautiful?!"

"I just... I just don't think I am" I said.

"Babe you are, believe me"

"You're the only one who thinks that, really-" I began but Zayn already talked again.

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