Name reaction:Saskia

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Suga:Another little girl?!?!Waaahhh!!!!!

J Hope:Yoongi hyung is being weird af again dont mind her babygirl come on before Yoongi pesters a 5 year old

Rap Mon:Hi Im Joonie your sister Jasmine just threw me a book.
Saskia be like:Why?
Joonie:Cause I was bringing your sister Talia to bed.
Saskia:Im gonna fucking rip your head off.slaps him in the face leaving those two sisters stunned.
Jasmine:Shit what did I do?

Jungkook:Another one?*insert annoying giggling voice*Hayst it's oppa for you too!

Jimin:Your sister found my will you be the kookie to my jams?

Jin:Welcome to the amazing world of bangtan gumball's not in the season but Im always here so lots of love from Jin oppa.

Taehyung:Wwaaaaahhhhh you guys are three sisters?
Taehyung:So which one would be my water bottle holder?
Jin:Taehyung shut it!

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