Chapter Fifteen

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The door slammed against the side of the wall as it opened, causing the three men in the room to spin around and stare, alarmed by the noise.

Henderson jumped up, "where have you been?"

Vicky and Christopher stepped into the room, water dripping from the tips of their hair and soaking into the carpet.

A rush of emotions hit Vicky then, none good, but her initial words were swallowed up as she looked around the hotel room. Besides the unmade beds and dirty carpet, the room was clean, the men's luggage placed together next to their feet as if they were ready to leave at a moment's notice.

Her eyes found her brother who was sat on the bed, looking between her and her father with a rather constipated expression. He looked paler than usual, hand tapping against his knee.

Mind kick-starting, she put the pieces together, remembering why her and Christopher had come straight to this room instead of their own. 

She had questions, all of which required straight and clear answers. She wanted to know who they could really trust in all of the mess.

She must have taken too long to voice her concerns because her father spoke again, voice an impatient growl. "Did you hear what I said, Victoria? Where have you two been? We've been waiting for you."

"We just went out for breakfast." She shook her head. "What happened?"

"What happened is that we need to leave now." Henderson snapped, gaze sharpening as soon as she said out. "Go and get your things."

Vicky glared at him, releasing some of the tension building up inside of her by letting her claws pop out. "You can't keep me in the dark forever, dad. What's going on?"

Mattheus sighed, turning from where he was looking out the window to lazily stare at her. "There was a murder at the palace."

Christopher spluttered from behind, "what?"

"Apparently, three members of the immediate royal family were killed." Mattheus shrugged like he was commenting on the weather or something equally as arduous. 

"Wow, that's crazy." Vicky mumbled. "Do they know who did it?"

Even though she had a pretty good idea, judging by what she had just experienced at the café, she still wanted to ask- to make sure.

"What about motives?" Christopher breathed out heavily through his teeth. "How did they get through security?"

Sebastian rubbed his hands over his face, mumbling out an answer before Mattheus could speak. "They wouldn't say much on the news, but they did confirm that it was a shifter behind the attack."

Vicky groaned, upset that it had been exactly as she feared. "The humans are going to have a field day with this."

"They've already started." He scoffed. "Within the last half hour, there've been at least five reports telling humans to stay at home and away from shifters."

Vicky wanted to ask if they were allowed to do that, but she knew that they were. 


Her brother scoffed again, "and it gets worse."

Clearing his throat, Mattheus interrupted. "We can talk about this later. Right now, we've got to get back to neutral ground."

Vicky gasped, another realisation hitting her. "Oh my gosh, we're not that far from the palace."

"Exactly." Henderson growled, "and I don't want to be here when they put the whole city on lock down. Not with my record."

Divided TerritoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora